Monday's LobbyComply News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

November 16, 2020  •  

Monday’s LobbyComply News Roundup


National: “With Trench Warfare Deepening, Parties Face Unsettled Electoral Map” by Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns for New York Times

Pennsylvania: “Trump Campaign Jettisons Major Parts of Its Legal Challenge Against Pennsylvania’s Election Results” by John Swaine and Elise Viebeck (Washington Post) for MSN


National: “Watchdogs Urge Transparency as Executives from Powerful DC Firm Floated for Biden Administration” by Matthew Mosk and Mike Devine for ABC News

National: “Senior Justice Dept. Official Stalled Probe Against Former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Sources Say” by Juliet Eilperin and Matt Zapotosky (Washington Post) for MSN

California: “Former Consultant for California High-Speed Rail Project Is Cleared of Ethics Violations” by Ralph Vartabedian for Yahoo News

Nevada: “Former Tourism Exec Strikes Ethics Deal in Misuse of Gift Cards” by Jeff German for Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ohio: “How FBI Agents Posed as Cincinnati Hotel Developers to Catch Suspects in 2 Ohio Bribery Scandals” by Jessie Balmert (Cincinnati Enquirer) for MSN


Canada: “Fitzgibbon Is the First Cabinet Minister to Be Reprimanded by National Assembly” by Jocelyne Richer for Montreal Gazette

West Virginia: “W.Va. Lobbyist Puccio Crosses Political Streams to Advise Democrat Manchin, Republican Justice” by Brad McElhinny for West Virginia MetroNews

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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