May 12, 2020 •
Tuesday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
National: “States and Cities with Public Campaign Financing Lead on Paid Sick Leave Policies” by David Moore for Sludge
Illinois: “Judge Rejects Suit Over Ballot Obstacles for Constitutional Amendment” by Rebecca Anzel (Capitol News Illinois) for Peoria Journal Star
National: “Federal Watchdog Backs Reinstating Ousted Vaccine Expert” by Sarah Owermohle for Politico
Indiana: “Indiana Attorney General’s Law License Suspended for Groping” by Tom Davies for AP News
Missouri: “Investigation of Medical Marijuana Roll Out Expands to Missouri Governor’s Office” by Jason Hancock for Kansas City Star
National: “Skadden Said to Have Paid $11 Million to Settle Ukraine Dispute” by Kenneth Vogel (New York Times) for MSN
National: “Zoom Beefs Up Lobbying as Privacy Concerns Accompany Growth” by Megan Wilson for Bloomberg Government
California: “Desperate for Coronavirus Help, California Spending Billions on No-Bid Contracts with Little Accountability” by Melody Gutierrez, Adam Elmahrek, Ben Poston, and Kim Christensen for Los Angeles Times
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