October 7, 2019 •
Monday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
National: “DC Court Refuses to Overturn Campaign Finance Law” by Megan Mineiro for Courthouse News Service
Missouri: “Mystery Money Tied to McKee Slips into Missouri Attorney General Race” by Jack Suntrup for St. Louis Post-Dispatch
National: “Officials’ Texts Reveal Belief That Trump Wanted Probes as Condition of Ukraine Meeting” by Karoun Demirjian, Rachael Bade, Josh Dawsey, and John Hudson (Washington Post) for MSN MSN
National: “Legal Team Says It Represents a Second Whistle-Blower Over Trump and Ukraine” by Annie Karni and Nicholas Fandos (New York Times) for MSN
Alaska: “New Rule Could Put State on Defense When an Alaska Governor Is Accused of an Ethics Violation” by James Brooks for Anchorage Daily News
Washington DC: “D.C. Ethics Agency Failed to Probe Prominent Whistleblower Complaint, Audit Says” by Fenit Nirappil for Washington Post
National: “‘Shadow Lobbying’ in Trump’s Washington” by Karl Evers-Hillstrom and Dan Auble for Center for Responsive Politics
Nevada: “State Republican Party Chair Did Little Work for Second Job as Dental Board Lobbyist, Records Show” by Riley Snider for Nevada Independent
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