Wednesday's LobbyComply News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

January 2, 2019  •  

Wednesday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance

New Mexico: Legislators Challenge Campaign Finance Rules by Dan McKay for Albuquerque Journal

North Carolina: NC Lawmakers Override Veto of Bill That Makes Allegations of Campaign Finance Violations Secret by Craig Jarvis for Raleigh News and Observer


National: Sen. Elizabeth Warren Says She Will Seek the Presidency in 2020 by Annie Linskey and Matt Viser (Washington Post) for Chicago Daily Herald


California: Gov.-Elect Gavin Newsom to Place California Wineries, Hotels in Blind Trust by Phil Willon for Los Angeles Times

Maryland: Maryland Lawmakers Accused in 11 Sexual Harassment Complaints in the Past Year by Ovetta Wiggins (Washington Post) for Stamford Advocate

New York: N.Y.’s New Attorney General Is Targeting Trump. Will Judges See a ‘Political Vendetta?’ by Jeffery Mays (New York Times) for MSN

North Dakota: Bill Drafted to Enact Provisions of Ethics Measure by Jessica Holdman for Bismarck Tribune


National: Tony Podesta Sues Former Clients, Seeking to Collect on Unpaid Bills by Theodoric Meyer for Politico

National: Lobbyist Conviction Disclosure Bill Heads to President’s Desk by Megan Wilson and Jorge Uquillas for Bloomberg Government

National: Mueller Fuels Foreign Lobbying Crackdown by Morgan Chalfant and Alex Gangitano for The Hill

Alabama: Ethics Revision Commission Could Give Legislators Multiple Choices by Brian Lyman for Montgomery Advertiser

Missouri: Will ‘Clean Missouri’ Slow the Revolving Door That Turns Lawmakers into Lobbyists? By Hunter Woodall for Kansas City Star

Missouri: State Seeks Dismissal of Lobbyist Gift Ban Lawsuit by Kurt Erickson for St. Louis Post-Dispatch

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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