Wednesday's Government and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

February 14, 2018  •  

Wednesday’s Government and Ethics News

Campaign Finance

Missouri: “St. Louis County Council Looks into the Wisdom, and Practicality, of Campaign Donation Limits” by Jason Rosenbaum for St. Louis Public Radio

New York: “Mayor Wants City Charter Revision to Tackle Campaign Finance” by William Neuman for New York Times

Texas: “County Judge Sent $63K from Campaign Account to His Beer Company Without Reporting It” by Trent Seibert for Texas Monitor


Montana: “Montana’s Ban on Robocalls Upheld as Constitutional by Federal Judge” by Holly Michels for Helena Independent Record


Federal: “Federal Grants Meant for Clean Coal Misspent on Liquor, Spas” by Ari Natter for Bloomberg

National: “A Whirlwind Envelops the White House, and the Revolving Door Spin” by Peter Baker (New York Times) for MSN

Florida: “Miami Beach Official Accepted Stays from Hotelier. Now Both Face Corruption Charges.” by Joey Flechas and David Ovalle for Miami Herald

Kentucky: “Kentucky Bill Seeks New Ethics Rules for KFC Yum! Center Board” by Marcus Green for WDRB

Legislative Issues

National: “She Was Naming Lawmakers Who Took Oil-and-Gas Money – So They Barred Her from the Public Hearing” by Avi Selk for Washington Post


Hawaii: “Development Lobbyist Failed to Register with Honolulu Ethics Commission” by Anita Hofschneider for Honolulu Civil Beat

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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