Wednesday's Government and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

January 10, 2018  •  

Wednesday’s Government and Ethics News


Missouri: “House Prepares to Fast Track Lobbyist Gift Limit Yet Again” by Tyler Wornell for The Missourian

Campaign Finance

Pennsylvania: “When Does a Campaign Contribution Become a Bribe?” by Peter Hall for Allentown Morning Call

Washington: “Spokane City Council Overrides Condon Veto of Campaign Finance Reporting Law” by Kip Hill for Spokane Spokesman-Review


Fusion GPS Founder Hauled from the Shadows for the Russia Election Investigation” by Matt Flegenheimer for New York Times

Canada: “Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson Says She ‘Went Out with a Bang’” by Laura Stone for The Globe and Mail

Florida: “Broward Legislators Take Action to Deal with Sexual Harassment in the State Capital” by Mary Ellen Klas for Miami Herald

Maryland: “Feds: Indicted Baltimore state senator confessed to taking cash payments” by Justin Fenton for Baltimore Sun

Texas: “Amid Sexual Harassment Concerns, Lawmakers Consider How to Check Their Own Power” by Jolie McCullough and Alexa Ura for Texas Tribune


Kansas: “Awkward: Brownback said he was leaving as Kansas governor. He hasn’t” by Julie Bosman for New York Times

Legislative Issues

Kentucky: “Kentucky House Speaker Lashes Out in Resignation Speech after Sexual Harassment Settlement” by Derek Hawkins for Washington Post

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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