Thursday's LobbyComply News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

June 14, 2018  •  

Thursday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance

Colorado: “Federal Judge Finds Portions of Colorado’s Campaign Finance Complaint Process Are Unconstitutional in Ruling Likely to Prompt Big Change” by Jesse Paul for Denver Post

North Carolina: “Digital Ad Disclosure Bill Squeaks Past Key House Panel” by Laura Leslie for WRAL


National: “Republican Voters Embrace Trump-Style Candidates” by Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns (New York Times) for WRAL

California: “Radical Plan to Split California Into Three States Earns Spot on November Ballot” by John Myers for Los Angeles Times


National: “EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Tapped Aide, Donors to Help Wife Land Job at Conservative Group” by Juliet Eilperin, Josh Dawsey, Brady Dennis, and Shawn Boburg (Washington Post) for Chicago Tribune

Florida: “Ethics Commission: Fernandez misused position to get FSU tickets, catering discount” by Jeff Burlew for Tallahassee Democrat

New York: “Ex-Lawmaker Pleads Guilty to Misusing Superstorm Sandy Funds” by Associated Press for New York Daily News


Canada: “Lobbying Czar Calls for Federal Investment after 10 Years of Stagnant Funding” by Teresa Wright (Canadian Press) for CTV News

Florida: “Lobbyists Face New Requirements at Citizens” by Jim Turner (News Service of Florida) for WPEC


Pennsylvania: “Amendment to State Redistricting Bill May Scuttle” by Liz Navratil, Gillian McGoldrick, and Jonathan Lai for Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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