Nevada Special Session May Be Called This Week - State and Federal Communications

September 8, 2014  •  

Nevada Special Session May Be Called This Week

NevadaNevada Gov. Brian Sandoval may call the Legislature into a special session as soon as Wednesday to approve a plan for the $5 billion Tesla plant in the state.

According the Los Angeles Times, the electric car company and the state have reached an agreement to have Tesla manufacture batteries in Nevada. The Office of the Governor predicts the proposed lithium-ion battery plant would create 6,500 factory jobs and 16,000 other jobs, including 3,000 in construction.

The Los Angeles Times reports the Legislature is required to enact parts of the agreement in order for the deal to go through. This includes allowing Tesla to “receive up to a 100% tax abatement for the next 20 years for all sales tax, and up to a 100% tax abatement for the next 10 years for all real property tax, personal property tax and modified business tax,” according the Los Angeles Times.

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