Kentucky Legislature Adjourns Sine Die - State and Federal Communications

April 17, 2024  •  

Kentucky Legislature Adjourns Sine Die

The 2024 regular session of the General Assembly adjourned sine die on April 15.

Lawmakers passed and Gov. Beshear signed a law amending requirements for independent expenditure committees and political advertising disclaimers.

House Bill 595 requires federally registered political committees to register in Kentucky if they make an independent expenditure in support of or in opposition to a Kentucky candidate or a slate of candidates.

The bill requires disclaimers on political advertising to appear and be presented in a clear and conspicuous manner to give the reader or observer adequate notice of the identity of the purchaser of the communication.

The bill also increases the penalty for campaign finance violations from $100 per day to $200 per day.

Lawmakers overrode vetoes on two dozen measures to pass everything vetoed by Beshear, including House Bill 622 requiring special elections for vacancies in the U. S. Senate.

Previously, the governor filled vacancies by appointment.

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