Hawaii Senate to Convene Third Special Session on Judicial Appointments - State and Federal Communications

October 22, 2021  •  

Hawaii Senate to Convene Third Special Session on Judicial Appointments

The Hawaii Senate will convene for a third special session on October 28 to consider and confirm District and Circuit Court positions.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a videoconference hearing on October 27 to submit testimony. Decision-making will occur after the convening of the special session and after the measures for Circuit Court positions are formally referred to the Judiciary Committee.

The special session will only address six pending judicial appointments, including nominees for District Court of the Third Circuit, Circuit Court of the First Circuit, Circuit Court of the Second Circuit and of the Third Circuit.

Final Senate votes on the appointments are expected at 11 a.m. October 29.

A lobbyist and employer activity report must be filed if expenditures or contributions are made relating to legislative action considered during the special session. Any such report would be due within 30 days of adjournment sine die of the special session covering the period from May 1 through the adjournment sine die date.

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