FCC Proposes Rule Regarding AI-Generated Political Advertising - State and Federal Communications

August 5, 2024  •  

FCC Proposes Rule Regarding AI-Generated Political Advertising

FCC Seal

On August 5, a proposed rule from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) concerning transparency when using artificial intelligence(AI)-generated content in political advertising was published in the U.S. Federal Register.

The FCC’s proposal would require broadcasters to provide an on-air announcement for any political ad containing AI-generated content disclosing the use of such content in the ad.

This includes advertising for candidates and for issues.

The rule would apply to broadcast and satellite radio and television stations and services, cable operators, and certain permit holders transmitting programming.

The Commission is also proposing to require these licensees and regulatees to include a notice in their online political files for all political ads that include AI-generated content disclosing that the ad contains such content.

Public comments can be made on or before September 4, 2024, by mail or at the FCC’s website at https://www.fcc.gov/cgb/ecfs/.

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