January 10, 2024 •
Wednesday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Ohio: “Voting, Disability Rights Advocates Claim Ohio Photo Voter ID Law Violates Federal Disabilities Law” by Nick Evans for Ohio Capital Journal
National: “Judges Skeptical That Trump Is Immune from Jan. 6 Prosecution” by Rachel Weiner, Spencer Hsu, Perry Stein, and Devlin Barrett (Washington Post) for MSN
Florida: “Florida GOP Ousts Chairman Under Investigation for Alleged Rape” by Lori Rozsa (Washington Post) for MSN
New Jersey: “N.J. Moving to Change Ethics Laws for Cannabis, Which Could Help Top Democrat” by Jelani Gibson (NJ Advance Media) for MSN
North Dakota: “North Dakota Ethics Commission Sees Uptick in Complaints” by Mary Steuer for North Dakota Monitor
South Dakota: “South Dakota Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Lawmaker Conflict of Interest” by Annie Todd (Sioux Falls Argus Leader) for Yahoo News
Legislative Issues
Louisiana: “Newly Sworn In, Louisiana’s Governor Calls for Special Session to Draw New Congressional Map” by Sara Cline (Associated Press) for ABC News
Missouri: “Missouri Defends Lobbying Waiting Period for Lawmakers at Eighth Circuit” by Joe Harris for Courthouse News Service
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.