25 Reasons to Work with State and Federal Communications in 2018 - State and Federal Communications

January 3, 2018  •  

25 Reasons to Work with State and Federal Communications in 2018

Welcome to our 25th year of providing the lobbying and political contributions compliance answers you need. It has been a lot of fun and we thank our valued clients throughout the years. In our Silver Anniversary year, we have (at least) 25 reasons for you to work with State and Federal Communications.

  1. Our ALERTS consulting program for additional assistance
  2. Our I COMPLY online publications, the foundation of the company
  3. Continuing Innovations to help with your work
  4. 24/7 website access
  5. Very knowledgeable, caring staff
  6. Attendance at major events
  7. Sponsorship of many events
  8. Thoughtful citizen in the community
  9. Commitment to helping college interns
  10. Webinars
  11. White Papers
  12. Tip Sheets
  13. Compliance NOW®
  14. News You Can Use
  15. Guidebooks
  16. LobbyComply®
  17. Social Media news and updates
  18. Working with our subscriber directly to answer questions
  19. Working with national law firms and government affairs firms
  20. 100% time spent on our core subject matters
  21. Focus on corporate social responsibility on local, regional, and national levels
  22. 25-year member of the Public Affairs Council—first dues paid in first year
  23. 18-year member of the State Government Affairs Council—best decision ever
  24. 19-year member of the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL)
  25. Same owner for 25 years…still pounding the drum as the corporate crusader for compliance

We look forward to working with you in 2018 and beyond.

Thank You and Happy New Year.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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