Michigan Legislature Adjourns Sine Die - State and Federal Communications

January 3, 2023  •  

Michigan Legislature Adjourns Sine Die

The 101st Michigan Legislature adjourned sine die on December 28, 2022, after 88 legislative days in session.

During the session, lawmakers voted to pass House Joint Resolution R to amend section 10 of article IV of the Michigan Constitution to require certain disclosures and to modify limitations on terms of office of state legislators.

The resolution requires each member of the legislature, the governor, the lieutenant governor, the secretary of state, and the attorney general to electronically file an annual financial disclosure report by April 15, 2024, and annually thereafter, including gifts, travel payments and reimbursements, and payments to a charity in lieu of honoraria made by lobbyist or lobbyist agent.

The resolution also modifies term limits in section 54 of article IV of the Michigan Constitution to prohibit anyone from being elected as a state representative or senator for terms or partial terms that combined total more than 12 years. The resolution is to be submitted to voters at the next general election and will be effective upon voter approval.

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