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In the Sterling Heights, Michigan nonpartisan mayoral primary election incumbent Mayor Michael C. Taylor received the most votes and will face Ken Nelson in the Nov. 2 general election. The City Council will also be elected on Nov. 2 when […]

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In Detroit’s nonpartisan mayoral primary election, incumbent Mayor Mike Duggan, seeking his third term, overwhelmingly won the day with Anthony Adams coming in second. Duggan and Adams will vie for Mayor in the Nov. 2 general election. Incumbent Janice M. […]

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Two special primaries were held yesterday to determine who would be on the ballot for the Nov. 2 special election to fill two vacant state senate seats. For Michigan State Senate District 8, Democrat Martin Genter and Republican Douglas Wozniak […]

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May 6, 2021  •  

Detroit City Councilman Resigns

Detroit District 7 Councilman Gabe Leland resigned after pleading guilty to misconduct in office. Leland was indicted by a federal grand jury in October 2018 on bribery conspiracy and two counts of bribery. Detroit’s council can, by a two-thirds vote, […]

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The Michigan House introduced 13 new bills proposing fundamental changes for lobbying and disclosure laws. Changes proposed include requiring members of the Legislature and other public officials to file financial disclosure reports and prohibiting them from voting on bills if […]

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Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced special elections to fill vacancies in Senate District 8 and 28. The vacancy in Senate District 8 was caused by the election of Sen. Pete Lucido as the Macomb County Prosecutor. In addition, the Senate […]

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The Bureau of Elections posted the Lobby Registration Act 2021 Reporting Thresholds. This changes every year in January to reflect the change in the consumer price index for Detroit. The threshold for a lobbyist compensating a lobbyist agent or other […]

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Thursday’s legislative session was canceled and the Capitol in Lansing was closed due to an armed protest and death threats against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. At the end of the Senate session on May 13, lawmakers simply adjourned until May 19 […]

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Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced today a special primary election will be held August 4. The purpose will be to fill the vacant seat in House District 4 of former State Rep. Isaac Robinson, who died March 29. The special election […]

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Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-27 on March 29 suspending rules under Michigan election law for elections on May 5. Additionally, the Governor instructed local clerks, county clerks, and election administrators to immediately begin preparations to conduct the election […]

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The Legislature adopted procedural changes this week in response to the coronavirus pandemic, following Gov. Whitmer’s declaration of a state emergency. The House and Senate will continue to meet for the next few weeks as needed. This will be at […]

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Progress Michigan is seeking to amend the state constitution to Ban lobbyists and their clients from giving gifts, including meals, drinks, and trips, to public officials Require lobbyists and public officials to make a public record of their phone calls, […]

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The Bureau of Elections posted the Lobby Registration Act 2020 Reporting Thresholds. Thresholds change every year in January to reflect the change in the consumer price index for Detroit. The registration threshold for a lobbyist agent or a lobbyist’s expenditure […]

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Democrat Cynthia Neeley and Republican Adam Ford won the House District 34 special primaries held on January 7. Less than 7% of Flint’s 62,242 registered voters participated in the special election. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer called the election after Cynthia Neeley’s […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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