May 29, 2024 •
Wednesday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
National: “Former FTX Executive Ryan Salame Sentenced to 7.5 Years for Election Donor Scheme with Sam Bankman-Fried” by Josh Russell for Courthouse News Service
New Mexico: “State Ethics Commission Sues Apodacas Dark Money Operation” by Marjorie Childress (New Mexico In Depth) for Yahoo News
Washington: “Washington State GOP Contributions to Congressional Hopefuls Suggest Party May Have Helped Candidates Circumvent Election Law” by Emry Dinman for Spokane Spokesman-Review
National: “DNC Prepares to Nominate Biden Via ‘Virtual Roll Call’ Before Convention” by Patrick Svitek (Washington Post) for MSN
California: “More Independence, Sharper Teeth: Elliott’s ethics plan would overhaul how campaign, lobbying rules are enforced” by Jeff McDonald (San Diego Union Tribune) for MSN
National: “Judge Rejects Request to Restrict Trump’s Speech on FBI, Says Motion Was Faulty” by Perry Stein (Washington Post) for MSN
Hawaii: “Conflict of Interest? Some Hawaii Lawmakers Work for or Even Own Companies That Get State Contracts” by Blaze Lovell for Honolulu Civil Beat
New York: “Lobbying Loophole Bill Pushed Again, This Time Without LaSalle Lookback” by Joshua Solomon for Albany Times Union
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting