October 25, 2023 •
Wednesday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
Massachusetts: “Ryan and Stephanie Fattman Agree to Record Fines to Settle Campaign Finance Cases” by Kinga Borondy (Worcester Telegram & Gazette) for Yahoo News
New York: “Adams Campaign Contributors Plead Guilty to Straw Donor Conspiracy Charge” by George Joseph for The City
Oklahoma: “Phantom Attack Ads Target Oklahoma Candidate, Connected to Nationwide Dark Money Network” by Clifton Adcock (The Frontier) for MSN
Georgia: “Jenna Ellis Becomes Latest Trump Lawyer to Plead Guilty Over Efforts to Overturn Georgia’s Election” by Will Weissert and Kate Brumback (Associated Press) for Yahoo News
National: “Trump Files New Challenges to Federal Election Obstruction Case in D.C.” by Spencer Hsu and Perry Stein (Washington Post) for MSN
Missouri: “Records Show Missouri House Speaker Charged State for Travel Already Paid for By His Campaign” by Jason Hancock for Missouri Independent
National: “Top Groups’ Lobbying Spending Drops in Divided Congress” by Caitlin Reilly (Roll Call) for MSN
Maine: “Inside Poland Spring’s Hidden Attack on Water Rules It Didn’t Like” by Hiroko Tabuchi (New York Times) for Yahoo News
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.