Wednesday's LobbyComply News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

November 24, 2021  •  

Wednesday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance

National: “Joe Kennedy III’s 2020 Senate Campaign Was Fined $35,000 for Spending $1.5 Million in Donations Intended for the General Election That He Never Made It To” by Bryan Metzger (Business Insider) for MSN

Arizona: “Corp Comm Defends Ethics Policy on Campaign Cash, Recusal to Legislature” by Jeremy Duda for Arizona Mirror

Missouri: “‘Exploiting a Loophole’: PACs tied to Missouri lobbyist draw new criticism” by Jason Hancock for Missouri Independent


Colorado: “Judge Orders Two Lawyers Who Filed Suit Challenging 2020 Election to Pay Hefty Fees: ‘They need to take responsibility’” by Rosalind Helderman (Washington Post) for MSN


National: “Red Brands and Blue Brands: Is hyper-partisanship coming for corporate America?” by David Gelles for New York Times

Michigan: “Rizzo Lawyer Convicted of Bribery in Macomb County Corruption Crackdown” by Robert Snell for Detroit News

New York: “Cuomo Impeachment Probe Bolsters Claims on Book Deal, Sexual Harassment and Nursing Homes” by Bill Mahoney, Anna Gronewold, and Shannon Young for Politico

South Carolina: “Uncovered: S.C. public officials skate by ethics investigations with little accountability” by Avery Wilks, Stephen Hobbs, and Thad Moore (Charleston Post and Courier) for Sumter Item

Washington: “King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg’s Office Cut Deal to Head Off Ethics Probe into Nepotism Claims” by Lewis Kamb for Seattle Times


North Dakota: “Fargo School Board Member Could Face Censure After Lobbying Lawmakers on COVID-19 Issues” by C.S. Hagen for Fargo Forum

Oregon: “Accusations Against a California Campaign Finance Watchdog Went Undisclosed for Months” by Alex Baumhardt (Oregon Capital Chronicle) for Bend Bulletin

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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