U.S. House Bill Introduced for Voluntary Publicly Financed Elections - State and Federal Communications

February 6, 2014  •  

U.S. House Bill Introduced for Voluntary Publicly Financed Elections


A new bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives would create voluntary publicly financed House elections in order to “encourage members of Congress to rely on small donor fundraising and still remain competitive in marquee races,” according a press release by Rep. John Sarbanes.

On Wednesday, February 5, Sarbanes and Rep. Nancy Pelosi introduced the Government by the People Act. With the inclusion of Rep. Walter Jones, the one Republican among the other 128 cosponsors, the bill is technically bipartisan. Matching public funds would be provided to House candidates in varying amounts depending on the size and timing of the original contributions. The bill would also create a refundable $25 tax credit, called the My Voice Tax Credit, for individuals to use for contributions.

The bill does not affect Senate elections.


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