November 21, 2023 •
Tuesday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
Illinois: “Ethics Board Dismisses Complaint That Lightfoot Violated Rules for Campaign Emails to City Workers” by Tessa Weinberg for WBEZ
Tennessee: “Six Knox County Commissioners Took $500 Campaign Donations from Ambulance Company” by Tyler Whetstone and Allie Feinberg (Knoxville News Sentinel) for Yahoo News
Colorado: “Colorado Judge Rules Trump Can Be on Ballot but Says He ‘Engaged’ in Insurrection” by Patrick Marley (Washington Post) for MSN
National: “An Appeals Court Has Struck Down a Key Path for Enforcing the Voting Rights Act” by Hansi Lo Wang for NPR
National: “Appeals Court Weighs Reinstating Gag Order on Trump in Landmark DC Election Case” by Eric Tucker, Alanna Durkin Richer, and Lindsay Whitehurst for Associated Press News
New York: “Not Just the Turks: Feds looking at mayor’s list that allegedly let big developers cut FDNY line” by Greg Smith for The City
Ohio: “FBI Raided a Regulator’s Home. FirstEnergy Said It Bribed Him with Millions. Since Then, Silence” by Jake Zuckerman (Cleveland Plain Dealer) for MSN
California: “Whitburn Pushed to Relax San Diego Cannabis Rules as His Chief of Staff Collected Tens of Thousands from the Industry, Records Show” by Jeff McDonald (San Diego Union Tribune) for MSN
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