November 14, 2023 •
Tuesday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
Illinois: “Brandon Johnson Wasn’t Supposed to Take Campaign Money from City Contractors, but He Did” by Robert Herguth and Tim Novak for Chicago Sun-Times
New York: “FBI Seized Phones, iPad from New York Mayor Eric Adams in Escalation of Fundraising Investigation” by Jake Offenhartz (Associated Press) for ABC News
National: “Tim Scott Suspends Struggling Presidential Primary Bid” by Meryl Kornfield, Marianne LeVine, and Hannah Knowles (Washington Post) for MSN
National: “MAGA-Dominated State Republican Parties Plagued by Infighting, Money Woes” by Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey, Yvonne Wingett Sanchez, Patrick Marley, and Amy Gardner (Washington Post) for MSN
California: “Prominent S.F. Developer and Two Others Charged with Bribery in Widening Corruption Scandal” by St. John Barned-Smith (San Francisco Chronicle) for MSN
National: “The Supreme Court Says It Is Adopting a Code of Ethics for the First Time” by Mark Sherman (Associated Press) for MSN
Legislative Issues
Missouri: “Rod Jetton’s Political Career Ended in Scandal. Now He’s Dean Plocher’s Chief of Staff” by Jason Hancock for Missouri Independent
California: “Anaheim Officials to Publicly Post Online Who They Meet With” by Hosam Elattar for Voice of OC
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