December 16, 2019 •
Monday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
Pennsylvania: “Ex-Philly Judge Who Accepted a $90K Payoff from Bob Brady’s Campaign Is Spared Prison Time” by Jeremy Roebuck for Philadelphia Inquirer
Tennessee: “Appeals Court Tosses Tennessee Laws That Created a Donation Blackout for Nonpartisan PACs” by Adam Tamburin for The Tennessean
National: “Trump’s D.C. Hotel Is at the Center of Anti-Corruption, Emoluments Lawsuit” by Jonathan O’Connell and Ann Marimow (Washington Post) for Connecticut Post
National: “Pentagon Inspector General to Review $400 Million Border Wall Contract Given to Firm Trump Favored” by Nick Miroff (Washington Post) for San Francisco Chronicle
National: “Panel Approves Impeachment Articles and Sends Charges for a House Vote” by Nicholas Fandos (New York Times) for MSN
Illinois: “Ex-Top Aide to Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown Given 2 Years in Prison as Judge Notes Brown’s Absence. ‘And She’s Not Here to Help You When You Need Help.’” by Jason Meisner for Chicago Tribune
Maryland: “Baltimore County Names Director to Olszewski’s New Ethics Office: A deputy state prosecutor” by Wilborn Nobles III for Baltimore Sun
Montana: “Lawmaker Retreat Comes Under Question, Faces Delay” by Holly Michels for Helena Independent Record
California: “Judge Blocks LA Law Requiring Contractors to Disclose NRA Ties” by Martin Macias Jr. for Courthouse News Service
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