April 29, 2024 •
Monday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
National: “Government Watchdog Alleges Trump Campaign Broke the Law Trying to Hide Legal Payments” by Zach Anderson (USA Today) for Yahoo News
National: “States Move to Label Deepfake Political Ads” by Gopal Ratnam for Roll Call
California: “Legislative Non-Disclosure Agreement Bill Fails First Vote in California Committee” by Alan Riquelmy for Courthouse News Service
Massachusetts: “DA Kevin Hayden Pays $5,000 Ethics Fine Over Controversial Primary” by Molly Farrar (Boston.com) for MSN
National: “Gateway Pundit to File for Bankruptcy Amid Election Conspiracy Lawsuits” by Will Sommer (Washington Post) for MSN
New Jersey: “Assembly Speaker’s Law Firm Has Made Millions Since He Took Power. Critics Cry Foul.” by Riley Yates and Brent Johnson (NJ Advance Media) for MSN
Texas: “Criticism, Praise of Texas Governor After Dramatic Use of Troopers on Protesters” by Molly Hennessy-Fiske and Patrick Svitek (Washington Post) for MSN
Legislative Issues
Arizona: “GOP Ethics Complaints Target 2 Arizona House Democrats for ‘Attempted Insurrection'” by Mary Jo Pitzl for Arizona Republic
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.