January 25, 2021 •
Monday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
National: “Shell Companies and ‘Dark Money’ May Hide Details of Trump Ties to DC Protests” by Anna Massoglia for Center for Resposive Politics
Mississippi: “Gov. Reeves’ Inaugural Nonprofit Raised $1.6M from Unknown Donors, Paid Family Member’s Company” by Luke Ramseth for Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal
New Mexico: “Secretary of State to Pursue Fines, Enforcement in Cowboys for Trump Case” by Nicole Maxwell (Alamogordo News) for MSN
National: “Kroger Unknowingly Funneled Donations to a Militant Group. After the Capitol Riots, It’s Cutting It Off.” by Teo Armus (Washington Post) for MSN
Florida: “State Auditors Flag Land Purchase Between City and Former Mayor Kathy Meehan’s Relatives” by Rick Neale for MSN
Illinois: “Madigan No Longer ‘Mr. Speaker,’ but He’s Still ‘Public Official A’” by Jason Meisner and Ray Long (Chicago Tribune) for St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Legislative Issues
Virginia: “Censure Move Goes Forward Against GOP Contender for Va. Governor” by Laura Vozzella and Gregory Schneider (Washington Post) for MSN
Nevada: “Legislative Building Will Be Closed to Public at Start of Session, Is Expected to Open More After Vaccinations” by Michelle Rindell for Nevada Independent
National: “Beau Biden Foundation to Deny Lobbyist Donations, Make Major Donors Public” by Alex Gangitano for The Hill
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