FEC Approves Draft Notice Relating to Internet Communication Disclaimers - State and Federal Communications

March 15, 2018  •  

FEC Approves Draft Notice Relating to Internet Communication Disclaimers

On March 14, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) approved a draft notice for rules concerning internet communication disclaimers. Because the rules were last revised in 2006, the FEC is interested in public input about the application of those rules “in light of technological advances” since then.

The FEC document, Reg 2011-02: Draft Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Internet Disclaimers and Definition of “Public Communication,” states the FEC is requesting comments about two alternative proposals to amend its regulations concerning disclaimers on public communications on the internet. The proposals in the FEC notice deal with internet communications containing express advocacy, soliciting contributions, or internet communications made by political committees.

The FEC says its goal “is to promulgate a rule that in its text and interpretation recognizes the paramount importance of providing the public with the clearest disclosure of the payor or sponsor of these public communications on the internet.” The FEC notice also requests comments concerning a proposed change to the definition of “public communication.”

Comments must be received on or before 60 days after date of publication in the notice in the Federal Register, with a public hearing to follow on June 27, 2018.

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