FEC Adds Memo Item to Disclosure Forms - State and Federal Communications

February 10, 2016  •  

FEC Adds Memo Item to Disclosure Forms

FEC The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has updated some of its disclosure forms required by PACs, political parties, and campaigns. Specifically, the FEC has added a “memo item” box to Forms 3, 3P, and 3x. Formerly, committees would routinely write the phrase “memo item” on the form. The new box, which the FEC hopes increases “reporting clarity”, can be used to report supplemental  information and the expense amounts not included in the line item total, such as reattributions, reimbursements, and certain credit card transactions. The FEC believes the new box will shorten document processing time and allow public access to disclosed data faster, according to the FEC’s press release.

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