Campaign Finance in the News - State and Federal Communications

July 16, 2012  •  

Campaign Finance in the News

campaign finance newsSenate heads for vote on disclosure of hidden donors” by Tom Curry in NBC Politics.

Democratic super PACs reel in $25 million” by Dave Levinthal and Kenneth P. Vogel in Politico.

Citizens United didn’t just open money floodgates for corporations” by Anjeanette Damon in the Las Vegas Sun.

Connecticut:  “Donovan campaign returns $27,660 in contributions” by Susan Haigh (Associated Press) in the Boston Globe.

Minnesota:  “Minnesota Republican Party fined; accused of illegal contributions, circumventing laws” by Bill Salisbury in the Pioneer Press.

Rhode Island:  “R.I. Rep. Langevin near paying off $127,000 campaign-finance fine” by Philip Marcelo.

Tennessee:  “PACs flood Tennessee General Assembly campaigns with cash” by Andy Sher in the Times Free Press.

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