February 28, 2017 •
Tuesday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Campaign Finance “U.S. Top Court Rejects Challenge to Political Ad Disclosure Rules” by Andrew Chung (Reuters) for U.S. News & World Report West Virginia: “WV House Bill Requires Fundraiser Reports During 60-Day Session” by Eric Eyre for Charleston Gazette Wisconsin: […]
Campaign Finance
“U.S. Top Court Rejects Challenge to Political Ad Disclosure Rules” by Andrew Chung (Reuters) for U.S. News & World Report
West Virginia: “WV House Bill Requires Fundraiser Reports During 60-Day Session” by Eric Eyre for Charleston Gazette
Wisconsin: “Wisconsin Ethics Commission Records Taken in John Doe Leak Probe” by Patrick Marley for Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“Democrats Elect Thomas Perez, Establishment Favorite, as Party Chairman” by Jonathan Martin for New York Times
“Trump Inspires Encryption Boom in Leaky D.C.” by Andrew Restuccia and Nancy Cook for Politico
Minnesota: “For Local Officials with Family Ties, Transparency Counts” by Brandt Williams for Minnesota Public Radio
Washington: “Ethics Board Fines Puyallup Lawmaker $5,000 over Facebook Posts” by Melissa Santos for The News Tribune
Florida: “Senator Seeks Probe into Whether Lobbyist Lisa Miller Posed as ‘Concerned Citizen’ During Call” by Michael Malone for Florida Today
Illinois: “Six More Lobbyists Face Fines for Using Emanuel’s Private Emails” by Fran Spielman for Chicago Sun-Times
New York: “Reform Groups Call on Wright to Drop Dual Role” by Chris Bragg for Albany Times Union
February 27, 2017 •
Monday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Campaign Finance “Billionaires and Corporations Helped Fund Donald Trump’s Transition” by Carrie Levine for Center for Public Integrity Canada: “Lobbying Commissioner Probing Fundraiser Hosted by Apotex Chair: Democracy Watch” by The Canadian Press for The Globe and Mail New Hampshire: […]
Campaign Finance
“Billionaires and Corporations Helped Fund Donald Trump’s Transition” by Carrie Levine for Center for Public Integrity
Canada: “Lobbying Commissioner Probing Fundraiser Hosted by Apotex Chair: Democracy Watch” by The Canadian Press for The Globe and Mail
New Hampshire: “NH Senate Votes to Require Political Advocacy Groups to Register, Report Expenditures” by John DiStaso for WMUR
“David Brock, Donors Wade into State Fights” by Kenneth Vogel for Politico
Arizona: “Arizona House Passes Bills to Restrict Citizen Initiatives” by Mary Jo Pitzl for Arizona Republic
“White House Selectively Blocks Media Outlets from Briefing with Spicer” by Hadas Gold for Politico
“Priebus Call to FBI Violated Norms, If Not Rules” by Isaac Arnsdorf for Politico
“Law Professors File Misconduct Complaint Against Kellyanne Conway” by Sari Horwitz for Washington Post
“Bobbleheads, Yes. Official Tweets, No. Federal Workers Wonder Where the Lines Are in the Trump Era.” by Lisa Rein for Washington Post
“Republican Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Curb Protesting in at Least 17 States” by Christopher Ingraham for Washington Post
Kentucky: “Auditors Find Shoddy Management, Conflicts of Interest at Kentucky Horse Park” by Linda Blackford for Lexington Herald-Leader
Missouri: “Missouri Governor Shuns State Plane, Flies at Private Costs” by David Lieb (Associated Press) for Springfield News-Leader
South Dakota: “Flood of Bills Addresses IM22 Provisions” by Bob Mercer for Rapid City Journal
California: “Regulators Investigating SDG&E for Potential Lobbying Violations” by Joshua Emerson Smith in San Diego Union-Tribune
EU: “New Lobbying Rules Face Uncertain Future” by Harry Cooper for Politico
Illinois: “Former Obama Aide Fined $90,000 for Illegally Lobbying Emanuel on Uber’s Behalf” by Bill Ruthhart and Hal Dardick for Chicago Tribune
February 24, 2017 •
News You Can Use Digest – February 24, 2017
Federal: Flynn Departure Erupts into a Full-Blown Crisis for the Trump White House Washington Post – Karen DeYoung, Abby Phillip, and Jenna Johnson | Published: 2/14/2017 President Trump’s ouster of national security adviser Michael Flynn, and the circumstances […]
Flynn Departure Erupts into a Full-Blown Crisis for the Trump White House
Washington Post – Karen DeYoung, Abby Phillip, and Jenna Johnson | Published: 2/14/2017
President Trump’s ouster of national security adviser Michael Flynn, and the circumstances leading up to it, have become a major crisis for the fledgling administration, forcing the White House on the defensive and precipitating the first significant breach in relations between Trump and Congress. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said it was “highly likely” the events leading to Flynn’s departure would be added to a broader probe into Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election. Intercepts showed Flynn discussed U.S. sanctions in a phone call with the Russian ambassador, a conversation topic that Flynn first denied and then later said he could not recall. McConnell’s comments followed White House revelations that Trump was aware “for weeks” that Flynn had misled Vice President Pence and others about the content of his late December talks with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
Report Shows ‘Untapped Power’ of Constituent Advocacy
Roll Call – Bridget Bowman | Published: 2/13/2017
The Congressional Management Foundation released a report highlighting more than a decade’s worth of its surveys that show how citizens can best influence lawmakers. According to the group’s research, citizens who show up in person and are well-prepared with facts and arguments can have a sizable impact on undecided legislators. But recent flare-ups at town hall meetings across the country have also demonstrated the impact of constituents who show up and make their voices heard. Bradford Fitch, one of the report’s authors, said phone calls and emails are not necessarily the most effective ways of communicating with legislators, and neither is a confrontation. “When you’re yelling, Congress isn’t listening,” Fitch said.
Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts with Russian Intelligence
New York Times – Michael Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo | Published: 2/14/2017
Intercepted calls and phone records show several aides and allies to President Trump’s campaign were in contact with senior Russian intelligence officials. Current and former U.S. officials who spoke with The New York Times said the contacts were discovered during the same time that intelligence agencies were investigating Russia’s extensive hacking campaign, later determined to be aimed at helping Trump win the White House. The agencies sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts. The officials interviewed said so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation. But the intercepts alarmed American intelligence and law enforcement agencies, in part because of the amount of contact that was occurring while Trump was speaking glowingly about Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Who is Donald McGahn, the Fiery Lawyer at the Center of Virtually Every Trump Controversy?
Washington Post – Matt Zapotosky and Sari Horwitz | Published: 2/14/2017
As White House counsel, Donald McGahn is supposed to provide the president with legal guidance on the thorniest issues of the day, and to manage disputes between power players inside the administration and the various executive agencies. McGahn has been at the center of virtually every controversy during the Trump administration. He is a veteran campaign finance lawyer and former member of the FEC. Before taking over the role in the administration, he worked at the Jones Day law firm and as general counsel to the Trump campaign. He is a consummate Washington insider, but like the man for whom he works, he has an independent streak, those who know him say. “Don is not a buttoned-down guy,” said Bradley Smith, a law professor at Capital University and longtime professional friend of McGahn.
From the States and Municipalities:
Florida – At Miami’s Airport, There’s Economy, First Class and … Politician
Miami Herald – Douglas Hanks | Published: 2/8/2017
A new report from the Miami-Dade ethics commission chastised the county-owned Miami International Airport for offering elected officials VIP treatment, including golf-cart rides, cutting to the front of security and Customs, and other courtesies normally reserved for foreign dignitaries. Investigators concluded most of the trips by officeholders came during official government business. But there are multiple mentions of personal travel too, including trips to visit sick relatives and other unspecified vacations. The airport’s Protocol Office arranged four escorts for Rebeca Sosa, a county commissioner, and three for her sister. “These are unexplained,” the report said of the sibling’s VIP transits.
These Lawmakers Are On the Payroll of Firms That Lobby the Legislature
Sarasota Herald-Tribune – Zac Anderson | Published: 2/12/2017
The Florida Bar Association once issued a formal ethics opinion effectively prohibiting state lawmakers from working at firms that lobby the Legislature. That ethics opinion was rescinded in 1999 and now at least six Florida lawmakers, including the House speaker, work for law firms that lobby the Legislature. Those who defend the practice say there are provisions in state law and legislative rules to address any conflicts-of-interest. Some also argue that restricting such employment would discourage well-qualified individuals from serving in the Legislature because they would have to give up their jobs with big firms.
Kentucky – GOP Senators Want to Cut Sex Harassment Training
Louisville Courier-Journal – Morgan Watkins | Published: 2/13/2017
A few Republican state senators want to eliminate required sexual harassment training for lawmakers and cut back on the ethics-related instruction they receive, citing concerns about the effectiveness of those initiatives. Sen. John Schickel is sponsoring a bill would repeal existing requirements for lawmakers to go through sexual harassment and workplace harassment training. It also would require Kentucky legislators to sit through only 30 minutes of ethics-related instruction each January instead of the three hours currently mandated by state law. “It’s nothing more than political correctness training,” Schickel said. “If you don’t have good manners and good values when you come to Frankfort, I can assure you Frankfort will not teach them.”
Maryland – Gov. Hogan’s Office Has Blocked 450 People from His Facebook Page in Two Years
Washington Post – Ovetta Wiggins and Fenit Nirappil | Published: 2/8/2017
After a deluge of comments asking that he denounce President Trump’s controversial travel ban, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s office blocked numerous posters and deleted their messages from his Facebook page. Gubernatorial spokesperson Doug Mayer said the governor’s office has blocked 450 people since Hogan took office two years ago. The office does not have a specific policy for handling comments on Hogan’s page, which has more than 146,500 likes. Mayer said most of the removed comments were “vulgar, derogatory, hateful or racist,” but aides have also deleted those that are a part of an organized effort. Erich Sommerfeldt, a public relations professor at the University of Maryland, said deleting negative comments, rather than responding to them, can hurt a company or public figure’s brand.
Missouri – Campaign Contribution Law Bans Corporation Donations to All Candidates
Missouri Times – Benjamin Peters | Published: 2/14/2017
Constitutional Amendment 2, which was approved by Missouri voters in November, places limits and rules on how candidates and committees can accept donations, including how much can be given. A recent advisory opinion from the Missouri Ethics Commission says the new law prohibits a corporation or labor organization from making direct contributions to a campaign committee, candidate committee, exploratory committee, or political party. That means no corporation may contribute to a candidate’s campaign at the statewide level. But with the race for St. Louis mayor and a number of local and municipal elections weeks away, the question has been raised of whether these rules apply to municipal election.
New Jersey – N.J. Election Agency Could Soon Fill Key Posts
Bergen Record – Salvador Rizzo | Published: 2/14/2017
Gov. Chris Christie and Democratic senators have struck a deal to reactivate New Jersey’s election watchdog agency, which has been toothless for nearly a year, unable to hold meetings or punish candidates who violate campaign finance restrictions. Senate Democratic leaders said they expect to fill all of the vacancies by March 13 on the Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC). Restoring ELEC to its full power is key to ensuring the integrity of this year’s election for governor, all 120 legislative seats, and hundreds of local races, experts said. Three persistent vacancies on ELEC’s four-member board have prevented it from holding meetings since last March, an unprecedented 11-month stretch of inactivity since the agency was founded in 1972.
North Carolina – N.C. Supreme Court Blocks Law Stripping Governor of Election Oversight Powers
Winston-Salem Journal – Richard Craver | Published: 2/13/2017
The North Carolina Supreme Court blocked a state law that strips the new Democratic governor of powers to oversee elections. A lower appeals court briefly let the law to take effect, allowing a revamped state elections board to meet for the first time. It is one of the changes passed in December that shifted power over running elections away from Gov. Roy Cooper. The law ends the practice of allowing the governor’s party to hold majorities on all state and county elections boards. Elections board positions would be evenly divided between major-party partisans. Republicans would control elections during even-numbered years, typically election years. It also combines the State Board of Elections with the campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics commissions into one state agency.
Tennessee – Amid Ongoing Durham Scandal, Probe Shows Problems with Law
The Tennessean – Joel Ebert and Dave Boucher | Published: 2/13/2017
A recent state audit that said former Rep. Jeremy Durham violated Tennessee’s campaign finance law is “packed with problematic stuff” that may provide fertile ground for an ongoing federal probe, said former U.S. Attorney Jerry Martin. The scrutiny on Durham shines a light on the state campaign finance law, created with light punishments by those it is intended to police. In addition, Durham’s actions outlined in the audit offer a glimpse of the criminal consequences he could face.
Texas – How Blind Is This Texas Oil Regulator’s Blind Trust, Managed by His Brother-in-Law?
Dallas News – Steve Thompson | Published: 2/7/2017
Since his election to a seat on the Texas Railroad Commission in 2014, Ryan Sitton has voted on dozens of issues involving energy companies that hire his firm, Pinnacle Advanced Reliability Technologies. Its business is helping clients ensure equipment stays reliable. Many of these issues have come before the oil and gas commission as part of its consent agenda, where items of no controversy are packaged together for approval. But a few have been contentious, and Sitton has played big roles in deciding them. Not once has Sitton disclosed a relationship or recused himself. Texas law prohibits state officials from voting on matters in which they have a “personal or private interest” and requires them to publicly disclose such conflicts. But the law does not clearly define a “personal or private interest.”
Vermont – Scott Administration Discourages Fraternizing with Lawmakers, Lobbyists
Vermont Press Bureau – Neal Goswami | Published: 2/10/2017
Vermont Gov. Phil Scott reportedly has directed staff and administrative personnel to avoid fraternizing after hours with legislators and lobbyists, but some observers say the directive is unrealistic in tiny Montpelier. Many states have codes of conduct for state employees and officials to follow regarding lobbyists, as do the federal government and the armed forces. But how realistic is Scott’s directive given the long tradition of lawmakers, lobbyists, and state officials rubbing – and bending – elbows together after hours?
State and Federal Communications produces a weekly summary of national news, offering more than 60 articles per week focused on ethics, lobbying, and campaign finance.
February 23, 2017 •
Thursday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Lobbying California: “Penalty for Lobbyist – But Not Politicians – After $51,000 Birthday Party” by Emily Alpert Reyes for Los Angeles Times Utah: “Utah Lobbyists Treat Lawmakers with No Scrutiny” by Michelle Price (Associated Press) for Deseret News Campaign Finance […]
California: “Penalty for Lobbyist – But Not Politicians – After $51,000 Birthday Party” by Emily Alpert Reyes for Los Angeles Times
Utah: “Utah Lobbyists Treat Lawmakers with No Scrutiny” by Michelle Price (Associated Press) for Deseret News
Campaign Finance
“FEC Member: I have the right to demand Trump prove voter fraud claims” by Eli Watkins for CNN
Kansas: “Kansas Rejects Higher Limits on Donations to Candidates” by John Hanna (Associated Press) for McClatchyDC.com
Texas: “House Member Marks One-Year Anniversary of Filing Zero Campaign Finance Reports” by Jackie Wang for Texas Tribune
“Trump’s ‘Winter White House’: A peek at the exclusive members’ list at Mar-a-Lago” by Nicholas Confessore, Maggie Haberman, and Eric Lipton for New York Times
“From Trump the Nationalist, a Trail of Global Trademarks” by Danny Hakim and Sui-Lee Wee for New York Times
Colorado: “Denver City Council Panel Advances New Ethics Rules” by Jon Murray for Denver Post
Florida: “Brevard County Commissioners Put Forth Ethics Reform Plan” by Dave Berman for Florida Today
Kentucky: “Liquor Dealer in Kentucky House Getting Action on His Liquor Bills” by John Cheves for Lexington Herald-Leader
Legislative Issues
“Tennessee, Texas Stand Out for Strengthened Hill Sway” by David Hawkins for Roll Call
Virginia: “Some Hope to Increase Diversity Among Va. Legislative Aides” by Patrick Wilson for Richmond Times-Dispatch
February 22, 2017 •
Wednesday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Lobbying Arizona: “Lobbyist Pushes Arizona School-Choice Bill That Could Benefit His Family” by Yvonne Wingett and Rob O’Dell for Arizona Republic Florida: “Document Suggests Former State Sen. Thrasher Violated Lobbying Ban as FSU Chief” by Arek Sarkissian for Naples Daily […]
Arizona: “Lobbyist Pushes Arizona School-Choice Bill That Could Benefit His Family” by Yvonne Wingett and Rob O’Dell for Arizona Republic
Florida: “Document Suggests Former State Sen. Thrasher Violated Lobbying Ban as FSU Chief” by Arek Sarkissian for Naples Daily News
Massachusetts: “Online Lottery Could Yield Windfall for Private Companies” by Sean Murphy for Boston Globe
Campaign Finance
“Democratic Member to Quit Election Commission, Setting Up Political Fight” by 2017 Eric Lichtblau for New York Times
North Carolina: “Fletcher Hartsell, a Former NC Senator, Pleads Guilty in Misuse of Campaign Funds” by Anne Blythe and Craig Jarvis for Raleigh News & Observer
“Flynn in FBI Interview Denied Discussing Sanctions with Russian Ambassador” by Sari Horwitz and Adam Entous for Washington Post
California: “Ex-Palm Springs Mayor and 2 Developers Charged with Corruption Involving $375,000 in Bribes” by Richard Winton for Los Angeles Times
Georgia: “Unease Spreads in Atlanta as a City Contracting Scandal Brews” by Richard Fausset for New York Times
Minnesota: “Mondale, Kelm-Helgen Leave U.S. Bank Stadium Panel in Wake of Luxury Suite Flap” by Rochelle Olson for Minneapolis Star Tribune
Ohio: “Former Councilwoman Mills Pleads Guilty, Fined $250 for Ethics Misdemeanor” by Rick Rouan for Columbus Dispatch
Oregon: “Two Years after Kitzhaber Resignation, Ethics Reform a Political Challenge for Oregon Lawmakers” by Gordon Friedman for Portland Oregonian
Tennessee: “Schmoozing, Boozing and a Quiet Resignation: Mark Lovell’s 100 days on Capitol Hill” by Joel Ebert and Mark Boucher for The Tennessean
February 21, 2017 •
Tuesday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Campaign Finance ‘Soft Money’ Case a Test for Trump, Supreme Court by Kenneth Doyle for Bloomberg BNA Missouri: Amid Greitens Mystery, Missouri Democrats Revive Inauguration Funding Disclosure Bill by Jason Hancock for Kansas City Star Ethics Americans Are Seriously Stressed […]
Campaign Finance
‘Soft Money’ Case a Test for Trump, Supreme Court by Kenneth Doyle for Bloomberg BNA
Missouri: Amid Greitens Mystery, Missouri Democrats Revive Inauguration Funding Disclosure Bill by Jason Hancock for Kansas City Star
Americans Are Seriously Stressed Out About the Future of the Country, Survey Finds by Colby Itkowitz for The Washington Post
Democratic Party Chairs Struggle to Harness Activism Burst by Heidi Przybyla and Fredreka Schouten for USA Today
New Jersey: Judge: Bridge case complaint against Christie can proceed by David Porter (Associated Press) for ABC News
Pennsylvania: Closer Monitoring on Tap for City Council’s Ethics Training by Julia Terruso for Philadelphia Inquirer
South Carolina: SC Government Watchdog Crangle Takes New Post but Will Still Be Working General Assembly by John Monk for The State
Texas: Texas May Still Be Giving State-Funded Pension to Convicted Elected Officials by Jackie Wang for Texas Tribune
Hawaii: Tightening The Rules for Lobbyists by Ian Lind for Honolulu Civil Beat
Arizona: Rival Sues Taser Over Loss of Phoenix Police Body-Cam Contract by Megan Cassidy for Arizona Republic
February 20, 2017 •
Monday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Campaign Finance New Mexico: “NM Senate Wants Disclosure of ‘Dark Money’ Election Spending” by Dan McKay for Albuquerque Journal South Dakota: “Republicans Prepare for Court Battle Over Out-of-State Spending Caps” by Dana Ferguson for Sioux Falls Argus Leader Ethics “Liberal […]
Campaign Finance
New Mexico: “NM Senate Wants Disclosure of ‘Dark Money’ Election Spending” by Dan McKay for Albuquerque Journal
South Dakota: “Republicans Prepare for Court Battle Over Out-of-State Spending Caps” by Dana Ferguson for Sioux Falls Argus Leader
“Liberal Activists Join Forces Against a Common Foe: Trump” by Yamiche Alcindor for New York Times
“Will Top Cop Chaffetz Actually Police Trump?” by Kyle Cheney and Darren Samuelsohn for Politico
Alabama: “Attorney General to Recuse Himself from Bentley Probe” by Brian Lyman for Montgomery Advertiser
Arizona: “Phoenix Creates Ethics Commission After Nearly 4-Year Effort” by Dustin Gardner for Arizona Republic
Florida: “House Puts Focus on Local Ethics Rules” by Brandon Larrabee (News Service of Florida) for Gainesville Sun
Texas: “FBI, IRS Agents Raid State Sen. Carlos Uresti’s Law Offices” by Jim Malewitz and Edgar Walters for Texas Tribune
Virginia: “Virginia Lawmakers Still Grappling with Ethics Law” by Alan Suderman (Associated Press) for Washington Times
February 17, 2017 •
News You Can Use Digest – February 17, 2017
Federal: Flynn Departure Erupts into a Full-Blown Crisis for the Trump White House Washington Post – Karen DeYoung, Abby Phillip, and Jenna Johnson | Published: 2/14/2017 President Trump’s ouster of national security adviser Michael Flynn, and the circumstances leading up […]
Flynn Departure Erupts into a Full-Blown Crisis for the Trump White House
Washington Post – Karen DeYoung, Abby Phillip, and Jenna Johnson | Published: 2/14/2017
President Trump’s ouster of national security adviser Michael Flynn, and the circumstances leading up to it, have become a major crisis for the fledgling administration, forcing the White House on the defensive and precipitating the first significant breach in relations between Trump and Congress. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said it was “highly likely” the events leading to Flynn’s departure would be added to a broader probe into Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election. Intercepts showed Flynn discussed U.S. sanctions in a phone call with the Russian ambassador, a conversation topic that Flynn first denied and then later said he could not recall. McConnell’s comments followed White House revelations that Trump was aware “for weeks” that Flynn had misled Vice President Pence and others about the content of his late December talks with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
Report Shows ‘Untapped Power’ of Constituent Advocacy
Roll Call – Bridget Bowman | Published: 2/13/2017
The Congressional Management Foundation released a report highlighting more than a decade’s worth of its surveys that show how citizens can best influence lawmakers. According to the group’s research, citizens who show up in person and are well-prepared with facts and arguments can have a sizable impact on undecided legislators. But recent flare-ups at town hall meetings across the country have also demonstrated the impact of constituents who show up and make their voices heard. Bradford Fitch, one of the report’s authors, said phone calls and emails are not necessarily the most effective ways of communicating with legislators, and neither is a confrontation. “When you’re yelling, Congress isn’t listening,” Fitch said.
Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts with Russian Intelligence
New York Times – Michael Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo | Published: 2/14/2017
Intercepted calls and phone records show several aides and allies to President Trump’s campaign were in contact with senior Russian intelligence officials. Current and former U.S. officials who spoke with The New York Times said the contacts were discovered during the same time that intelligence agencies were investigating Russia’s extensive hacking campaign, later determined to be aimed at helping Trump win the White House. The agencies sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts. The officials interviewed said so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation. But the intercepts alarmed American intelligence and law enforcement agencies, in part because of the amount of contact that was occurring while Trump was speaking glowingly about Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Who is Donald McGahn, the Fiery Lawyer at the Center of Virtually Every Trump Controversy?
Washington Post – Matt Zapotosky and Sari Horwitz | Published: 2/14/2017
As White House counsel, Donald McGahn is supposed to provide the president with legal guidance on the thorniest issues of the day, and to manage disputes between power players inside the administration and the various executive agencies. McGahn has been at the center of virtually every controversy during the Trump administration. He is a veteran campaign finance lawyer and former member of the FEC. Before taking over the role in the administration, he worked at the Jones Day law firm and as general counsel to the Trump campaign. He is a consummate Washington insider, but like the man for whom he works, he has an independent streak, those who know him say. “Don is not a buttoned-down guy,” said Bradley Smith, a law professor at Capital University and longtime professional friend of McGahn.
From the States and Municipalities:
Florida – At Miami’s Airport, There’s Economy, First Class and … Politician
Miami Herald – Douglas Hanks | Published: 2/8/2017
A new report from the Miami-Dade ethics commission chastised the county-owned Miami International Airport for offering elected officials VIP treatment, including golf-cart rides, cutting to the front of security and Customs, and other courtesies normally reserved for foreign dignitaries. Investigators concluded most of the trips by officeholders came during official government business. But there are multiple mentions of personal travel too, including trips to visit sick relatives and other unspecified vacations. The airport’s Protocol Office arranged four escorts for Rebeca Sosa, a county commissioner, and three for her sister. “These are unexplained,” the report said of the sibling’s VIP transits
Florida – These Lawmakers Are On the Payroll of Firms That Lobby the Legislature
Sarasota Herald-Tribune – Zac Anderson | Published: 2/12/2017
The Florida Bar Association once issued a formal ethics opinion effectively prohibiting state lawmakers from working at firms that lobby the Legislature. That ethics opinion was rescinded in 1999 and now at least six Florida lawmakers, including the House speaker, work for law firms that lobby the Legislature. Those who defend the practice say there are provisions in state law and legislative rules to address any conflicts-of-interest. Some also argue that restricting such employment would discourage well-qualified individuals from serving in the Legislature because they would have to give up their jobs with big firms.
Kentucky – GOP Senators Want to Cut Sex Harassment Training
Louisville Courier-Journal – Morgan Watkins | Published: 2/13/2017
A few Republican state senators want to eliminate required sexual harassment training for lawmakers and cut back on the ethics-related instruction they receive, citing concerns about the effectiveness of those initiatives. Sen. John Schickel is sponsoring a bill would repeal existing requirements for lawmakers to go through sexual harassment and workplace harassment training. It also would require Kentucky legislators to sit through only 30 minutes of ethics-related instruction each January instead of the three hours currently mandated by state law. “It’s nothing more than political correctness training,” Schickel said. “If you don’t have good manners and good values when you come to Frankfort, I can assure you Frankfort will not teach them.”
Maryland – Gov. Hogan’s Office Has Blocked 450 People from His Facebook Page in Two Years
Washington Post – Ovetta Wiggins and Fenit Nirappil | Published: 2/8/2017
After a deluge of comments asking that he denounce President Trump’s controversial travel ban, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s office blocked numerous posters and deleted their messages from his Facebook page. Gubernatorial spokesperson Doug Mayer said the governor’s office has blocked 450 people since Hogan took office two years ago. The office does not have a specific policy for handling comments on Hogan’s page, which has more than 146,500 likes. Mayer said most of the removed comments were “vulgar, derogatory, hateful or racist,” but aides have also deleted those that are a part of an organized effort. Erich Sommerfeldt, a public relations professor at the University of Maryland, said deleting negative comments, rather than responding to them, can hurt a company or public figure’s brand.
Missouri – Campaign Contribution Law Bans Corporation Donations to All Candidates
Missouri Times – Benjamin Peters | Published: 2/14/2017
Constitutional Amendment 2, which was approved by Missouri voters in November, places limits and rules on how candidates and committees can accept donations, including how much can be given. A recent advisory opinion from the Missouri Ethics Commission says the new law prohibits a corporation or labor organization from making direct contributions to a campaign committee, candidate committee, exploratory committee, or political party. That means no corporation may contribute to a candidate’s campaign at the statewide level. But with the race for St. Louis mayor and a number of local and municipal elections weeks away, the question has been raised of whether these rules apply to municipal election.
New Jersey – N.J. Election Agency Could Soon Fill Key Posts
Bergen Record – Salvador Rizzo | Published: 2/14/2017
Gov. Chris Christie and Democratic senators have struck a deal to reactivate New Jersey’s election watchdog agency, which has been toothless for nearly a year, unable to hold meetings or punish candidates who violate campaign finance restrictions. Senate Democratic leaders said they expect to fill all of the vacancies by March 13 on the Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC). Restoring ELEC to its full power is key to ensuring the integrity of this year’s election for governor, all 120 legislative seats, and hundreds of local races, experts said. Three persistent vacancies on ELEC’s four-member board have prevented it from holding meetings since last March, an unprecedented 11-month stretch of inactivity since the agency was founded in 1972.
North Carolina – N.C. Supreme Court Blocks Law Stripping Governor of Election Oversight Powers
Winston-Salem Journal – Richard Craver | Published: 2/13/2017
The North Carolina Supreme Court blocked a state law that strips the new Democratic governor of powers to oversee elections. A lower appeals court briefly let the law to take effect, allowing a revamped state elections board to meet for the first time. It is one of the changes passed in December that shifted power over running elections away from Gov. Roy Cooper. The law ends the practice of allowing the governor’s party to hold majorities on all state and county elections boards. Elections board positions would be evenly divided between major-party partisans. Republicans would control elections during even-numbered years, typically election years. It also combines the State Board of Elections with the campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics commissions into one state agency.
South Dakota – Candy-Filled ‘Gift’ Watches to Legislators Cause Uproar
Rapid City Journal – Bob Mercer | Published: 2/14/2017
Two volunteer lobbyists put fake gold watches containing candy on the desks of South Dakota legislators recently. They mentioned it to a news reporter who later took a photograph showing four legislators wearing the watches. The reporter posted the photo on an Internet blog. The series of events sparked a backlash from supporters of Initiated Measure 22 who said the picture was offensive. The four senators in the photo voted to repeal the ballot measure. IM 22 would have created a publicly funded campaign system for candidates for the Legislature and state offices. It also would have established lobbyist gift limits, changed campaign contribution laws, and set up an ethics commission.
Tennessee – Amid Ongoing Durham Scandal, Probe Shows Problems with Law
The Tennessean – Joel Ebert and Dave Boucher | Published: 2/13/2017
A recent state audit that said former Rep. Jeremy Durham violated Tennessee’s campaign finance law is “packed with problematic stuff” that may provide fertile ground for an ongoing federal probe, said former U.S. Attorney Jerry Martin. The scrutiny on Durham shines a light on the state campaign finance law, created with light punishments by those it is intended to police. In addition, Durham’s actions outlined in the audit offer a glimpse of the criminal consequences he could face.
Texas – How Blind Is This Texas Oil Regulator’s Blind Trust, Managed by His Brother-in-Law?
Dallas News – Steve Thompson | Published: 2/7/2017
Since his election to a seat on the Texas Railroad Commission in 2014, Ryan Sitton has voted on dozens of issues involving energy companies that hire his firm, Pinnacle Advanced Reliability Technologies. Its business is helping clients ensure equipment stays reliable. Many of these issues have come before the oil and gas commission as part of its consent agenda, where items of no controversy are packaged together for approval. But a few have been contentious, and Sitton has played big roles in deciding them. Not once has Sitton disclosed a relationship or recused himself. Texas law prohibits state officials from voting on matters in which they have a “personal or private interest” and requires them to publicly disclose such conflicts. But the law does not clearly define a “personal or private interest.”
Vermont – Scott Administration Discourages Fraternizing with Lawmakers, Lobbyists
Vermont Press Bureau – Neal Goswami | Published: 2/10/2017
Vermont Gov. Phil Scott reportedly has directed staff and administrative personnel to avoid fraternizing after hours with legislators and lobbyists, but some observers say the directive is unrealistic in tiny Montpelier. Many states have codes of conduct for state employees and officials to follow regarding lobbyists, as do the federal government and the armed forces. But how realistic is Scott’s directive given the long tradition of lawmakers, lobbyists, and state officials rubbing – and bending – elbows together after hours?
State and Federal Communications produces a weekly summary of national news, offering more than 60 articles per week focused on ethics, lobbying, and campaign finance.
February 16, 2017 •
Thursday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Lobbying Oregon: “Oregon Measure Would Require More Disclosure from Lobbyists” by Chris Lehman for KUOW South Carolina: “Unlimited No More: House votes to cap lobbyist gifts” by Dana Ferguson for Sioux Falls Argus Leader Vermont: “Scott Administration Discourages Fraternizing with […]
Oregon: “Oregon Measure Would Require More Disclosure from Lobbyists” by Chris Lehman for KUOW
South Carolina: “Unlimited No More: House votes to cap lobbyist gifts” by Dana Ferguson for Sioux Falls Argus Leader
Vermont: “Scott Administration Discourages Fraternizing with Lawmakers, Lobbyists” by Neal Goswami for Vermont Press Bureau
Campaign Finance
Kentucky: “More Money? No Problem. Senate Committee Passes Bill to Increase Contribution Limits” by Daniel Desrochers for Lexington Herald-Leader
Missouri: “Campaign Contribution Law Bans Corporation Donations to All Candidates” by Benjamin Peters for Missouri Times
“The New Political Battleground: Your restaurant receipt” by Maura Judkis for Washington Post
“Ethics Watchdog Says Conway’s Endorsement of Ivanka Trump Products Is ‘Clear Violation’” by Richard Pérez-Peña for New York Times
“Who is Donald McGahn, the Fiery Lawyer at the Center of Virtually Every Trump Controversy?” by Matt Zapotosky and Sari Horwitz for Washington Post
“Flynn Departure Erupts into a Full-Blown Crisis for the Trump White House” by Karen DeYoung, Abby Phillip, and Jenna Johnson for Washington Post
New Jersey: “N.J. Election Agency Could Soon Fill Key Posts” by Salvador Rizzo for Bergen Record
South Dakota: “Candy-Filled ‘Gift’ Watches to Legislators Cause Uproar” by Bob Mercer for Rapid City Journal
“Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts with Russian Intelligence” by Michael Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo for New York Times
Legislative Issues
“Andrew Puzder Withdraws Nomination for Labor Secretary” by Ed O’Keefe and Jonnelle Marte for Washington Post
February 15, 2017 •
Wednesday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Lobbying “Report Shows ‘Untapped Power’ of Constituent Advocacy” by Bridget Bowman for Roll Call Florida: “These Lawmakers Are On the Payroll of Firms That Lobby the Legislature” by Zac Anderson for Sarasota Herald-Tribune Campaign Finance “Business Roundtable Softening Stance on […]
“Report Shows ‘Untapped Power’ of Constituent Advocacy” by Bridget Bowman for Roll Call
Florida: “These Lawmakers Are On the Payroll of Firms That Lobby the Legislature” by Zac Anderson for Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Campaign Finance
“Business Roundtable Softening Stance on Political Transparency?” by Dave Levinthal for Center for Public Integrity
“Supreme Court Set to Eye Challenge to FEC Disclosure Rules” by Kenneth Doyle for Bloomberg BNA
Oregon: “Legislation Would Prohibit Campaign Contributions by State Contractors” by Paris Achen for Portland Tribune
Tennessee: “Amid Ongoing Durham Scandal, Probe Shows Problems with Law” by Joel Ebert and Dave Boucher for The Tennessean
“With Michael Flynn’s Resignation, a New Focus on the Logan Act” by Charlie Savage for New York Times
Connecticut: “Commission: Hinchey, Bilda and other NPU officials violated ethics” by Ryan Blessing for Norwich Bulletin
Kentucky: “GOP Senators Want to Cut Sex Harassment Training” by Morgan Watkins for Louisville Courier-Journal
Montana: “House Endorses Cutting Office That Oversees Campaign Rules” by Matt Volz (Associated Press) for The Missoulian
New Hampshire: “NH Prosecutor: State can’t investigate all voter fraud claims” by Kathleen Ronayne (Associated Press) for Boston.com
North Carolina: “N.C. Supreme Court Blocks Law Stripping Governor of Election Oversight Powers” by Richard Craver for Winston-Salem Journal
February 14, 2017 •
Tuesday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Campaign Finance California: “Sacramento Wants State Watchdog to Enforce City Ethics Rules” by Anita Chabria for Sacramento Bee Michigan: “Michigan Unions Lose Campaign Finance Fight” by Kevin Koeninger for Courthouse News Ethics “Wearing Wig, Lawyer Tried to Sell Confidential Document, […]
Campaign Finance
California: “Sacramento Wants State Watchdog to Enforce City Ethics Rules” by Anita Chabria for Sacramento Bee
Michigan: “Michigan Unions Lose Campaign Finance Fight” by Kevin Koeninger for Courthouse News
“Wearing Wig, Lawyer Tried to Sell Confidential Document, U.S. Charges” by Liz Moyer for New York Times
“Saudis Foot Tab at Trump Hotel” by Isaac Arnsdorf for Politico
“Trump Sons Forge Ahead Without Father, Expanding and Navigating Conflicts” by Eric Lipton and Susanne Craig for New York Times
Florida: “At Miami’s Airport, There’s Economy, First Class and … Politician” by Douglas Hanks for Miami Herald
Pennsylvania: “Philly DA Seth Williams: Brought ‘shame’ to office, won’t run for reelection” by Jeremy Roebuck and Chris Brennan for Philadelphia Inquier
Texas: “How Blind Is This Texas Oil Regulator’s Blind Trust, Managed by His Brother-in-Law?” by Steve Thompson for Dallas News
New Mexico: “Lobbying Fix Faces New Opposition” by Trip Jennings for New Mexico In Depth
Tech and Social Media
“Fake News 101: The new civics course in US schools?” by Carolyn Thompson (Associated Press) for ABC News
February 13, 2017 •
Monday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Campaign Finance California: “Republicans Face $30,000 Fine from California Campaign Regulators” by Jim Miller for Sacramento Bee Mississippi: “Senate Passes Its Campaign Finance Reform” by Geoff Pender for Jackson Clarion-Ledger Tennessee: “Jeremy Durham Spent Campaign Funds on Suits, Sunglasses and […]
Campaign Finance
California: “Republicans Face $30,000 Fine from California Campaign Regulators” by Jim Miller for Sacramento Bee
Mississippi: “Senate Passes Its Campaign Finance Reform” by Geoff Pender for Jackson Clarion-Ledger
Tennessee: “Jeremy Durham Spent Campaign Funds on Suits, Sunglasses and Spa” by Dave Boucher and Joel Ebert for The Tennessean
“Rural Americans Felt Abandoned by Democrats in 2016, So They Abandoned Them Back. Can the Party Fix It?” By David Weigel for The Washington Post
“Lawyer at Major D.C. Firm Accused in Scheme to Sell Sealed Lawsuit to Suit’s Target” by Spencer Hsu for The Washington Post
Minnesota: “Auditor: U.S. Bank Stadium Authority violated core ethical principles with free tickets for friends and family” by Rochelle Olson for Minneapolis Star Tribune
Florida: “Want to Build a Marina in Miami? Lobbying Required.” By David Smiley for Miami Herald
New Mexico: “Lobbyist Loophole Fix Stalls in Senate Committee” by Sandra Fish and Trip Jennings for New Mexico In Depth
Tech and Social Media
Maryland: “Gov. Hogan’s Office Has Blocked 450 People from His Facebook Page in Two Years” by Ovetta Wiggins and Fenit Nirappil for The Washington Post
February 9, 2017 •
Thursday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Lobbying “Records Show How Air Force Nominee Skirted Lobbying Restrictions” by Patrick Malone (Center for Public Integrity) for Politico “Nations Turn to Lobbyists Amid Trump Upheaval” by Megan Wilson for The Hill New Mexico: “Strange Bedfellows: How four Capitol couples […]
“Records Show How Air Force Nominee Skirted Lobbying Restrictions” by Patrick Malone (Center for Public Integrity) for Politico
“Nations Turn to Lobbyists Amid Trump Upheaval” by Megan Wilson for The Hill
New Mexico: “Strange Bedfellows: How four Capitol couples negotiate love, lobbying, and legislating” by Matt Grubbs for Santa Fe Reporter
Campaign Finance
Alaska: “After Alaska Lawmaker’s Fundraising Controversy, Senate Considers Tighter Rules” by Caroline Halter for Alaska Public Radio
Arizona: “Citizens United Lawyer Targets Texas Campaign Finance Laws” by David Saleh Rauf (Associated Press) for Arizona Daily Star
“Department of Defense Looks to Rent Space in Trump Tower” by Drew Harwell for Washington Post
Arizona: “On Third Try, Will Phoenix Create Commission to Enforce Ethics Rules?” by Dustin Gardner for Arizona Republic
South Dakota: “Regulations on Lobbyists, Officials Advance at State Capitol” by James Nord (Associated Press) for McClatchyDC.com
Legislative Issues
“The Silencing of Elizabeth Warren and an Old Senate Rule Prompted by a Fistfight” by Derek Hawkins for Washington Post
North Carolina: “North Carolina Judges Suspend Limit on Governor’s Powers” by Mitch Smith for New York Times
February 7, 2017 •
Tuesday’s Government Relations and Ethics News
Campaign Finance Alabama: “Gov. Robert Bentley Used Campaign Funds to Pay Rebekah Mason’s Lawyer” by Mike Cason for AL.com Mississippi: “Campaign Finance Reports Go Digital” by Zachary Oren Smith for The Daily Journal Ethics “Trump May Be Skirting Transparency Law […]
Campaign Finance
Alabama: “Gov. Robert Bentley Used Campaign Funds to Pay Rebekah Mason’s Lawyer” by Mike Cason for AL.com
Mississippi: “Campaign Finance Reports Go Digital” by Zachary Oren Smith for The Daily Journal
“Trump May Be Skirting Transparency Law on Advisory Boards” by Josh Gerstein for Politico
“Vincent Viola, Nominee for Army Secretary, Drops Out” by Susanne Craig for New York Times
“Eric Trump’s Trip to Uruguay Cost Taxpayers $97,830 in Hotel Bills” by Amy Brittain and Drew Harwell for Washington Post
“Trust Records Show Trump Is Still Closely Tied to His Empire” by Susanne Craig and Eric Lipton for New York Times
New Mexico: “Competing Ethics Proposals Raise Questions of Secrecy and Oversight” by Trip Jennings for New Mexico In Depth
West Virginia: “Ethics Committee Oks Thrasher’s Blind Trust” by Phil Kabler for Charleston Gazette
Florida: “Florida’s Six-Year Lobbying Ban Would Be Strictest of All 50 States” by Steve Bousquet for Tampa Times
Oklahoma: “Capitol Influence: Lobbyists need more than money to succeed at state Capitol” by Barbara Hoberock and Randy Krehbiel for Tulsa World
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.