Kansas Proposes Bill to Overhaul Campaign Finance, Limit Ethics Commission Power - State and Federal Communications

March 8, 2023  •  

Kansas Proposes Bill to Overhaul Campaign Finance, Limit Ethics Commission Power

Kansas lawmakers are considering a bill that would diminish the state campaign finance laws and the powers of the governmental ethics commission.

Sponsored by the House Committee on Elections, House Bill 2391 would allow candidates to donate money to a third-party, such as a political committee or party, and instruct the funds be routed to another campaign or entity.

The bill would legalize the ability to make a political contribution in the name of another person or entity, meaning an individual could donate the maximum amount allowed to a given candidate and then route funds through additional sources.

House Bill 2391 would end the ethics commission’s subpoena power unless it can establish probable cause and impose a two-year statute of limitations on campaign finance violations, ending any active investigations on activity that took place after 2021.

If passed, the bill would become effective July 1.

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