New York’s Constitutional Convention Fails and Democrats Win NYC and Buffalo - State and Federal Communications

November 8, 2017  •  

New York’s Constitutional Convention Fails and Democrats Win NYC and Buffalo

New York voters rejected a ballot question calling for a constitutional convention. If passed, a constitutional convention would have been set for 2019 and would have allowed a total review of the New York Constitution. The question is automatically added to the ballot every 20 years.

On the other hand, voters approved a proposal revoking the pension of a public official convicted of a felony and another proposal creating a forest preserve land bank for qualifying local projects.

In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio won a second term as Mayor. De Blasio’s victory marks the first time in 32 years a Democratic mayor was re-elected in New York City.

Additionally, Democrat Byron Brown won his fourth term as Mayor of Buffalo.

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