October 2, 2015 •
Thursday News Roundup
New Mexico: “Lobbyist Contributions Helped GOP Win House In 2014” by Sandra Fish (New Mexico in Depth) for KRWG
Texas: “Building Professionals Distraught Over Proposed City Lobbying Changes” by Jack Craver for Austin Monitor
Campaign Finance
New York: “Carly Fiorina’s ‘Super PAC’ Aids Her Campaign, in Plain Sight” by Nick Corasaniti for New York Times
Iowa: “Judge Upholds Iowa Rule on Corporate Spending in Campaigns” by Quad City Times; Associated Press
New York: “Some Counts Dismissed in Indictment of Robert Menendez” by Alexander Burns for New York Times
California “California Lawmaker Turns ‘Juice’ into Campaign Cash” by Laurel Rosenhall (CALmatters) for San Francisco Chronicle
Connecticut: “Treasurer’s Soliciting Donations from Contractors Questioned” by Jon Lender for Hartford Courant
Indiana: “Indiana Rep. Jud McMillin Resigns after Sex Video Emerges” by Tony Cook and Chelsea Schneider (Indianapolis Star) for USA Today
Michigan: “Ex-Cop Gets Almost 5 Years in Prison in Pension Scandal” by Robert Snell for Detroit News
Minnesota: “State Grants for Bus Firms Raise Conflict-of-Interest Questions for MnDOT Commissioner” by Ricardo Lopez for Minneapolis Star Tribune
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.