Thursday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

September 18, 2014  •  

Thursday News Roundup

blue diamondLobbying

Under Contract” in The Hill.

Anthony Weiner and the Revolving Door” by U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren in The Huffington Post.

Eric Cantor’s out, Wall Street’s still in” by Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman in Politico.

Lyft hires Gephardt’s K Street firm” by Julian Hattem in The Hill.

Ontario, Canada: “McGuinty’s gig as a lobbyist problematic” by Andrew Coyne in the Leader-Post.

Campaign Finance

Dems Getting Stingier With Campaign Cash to Colleagues” by Lalita Clozel on Open Secrets Blog.

Colorado: “Citizens United wants press exemption from CO campaign finance disclosure” by Tess Cheek in The Colorado Independent.

Georgia: “Atlanta City Council weighs in on campaign finance issue” by Dave Williams in the Atlanta Business Chronicle.

Rhode Island: “Law professors debate campaign finance reform” by Aliza Reisner in the Brown Daily Herald.


Florida: “Florida Ethics Commission dismisses complaints against Mayor Brown and Clay County School Board officials, not so Rep. Fullwood case” by David Bauerlein in The Florida Times-Union.


Bigger and Better Things: Staffers Who Run for Office” by Rebecca Gale in Roll Call.

Dems, GOP hone messages for final campaign push” by Alexander Bolton in The Hill.

5 States Put Voting Reform to the Voters” by J.B. Wogan in Governing.

Ohio: “John Kasich, Ed FitzGerald won’t debate, a first in Ohio gubernatorial contests since the late ’70s” by Robert Higgs in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

State Legislatures

California: “Governor signs much-debated ridesharing bill” by Allen Young in the Sacramento Business Journal.

Nevada: “Education called top priority for Nevada Legislature” by Laura Myers in the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Nevada: “Tesla triumphs: Sandoval signs off on$1.3 billion untax package” by Dennis Myers in the Reno News & Review.

North Dakota: “Western ND lawmakers want $800 million for development” by Jessica Holdman in the Bismarck Tribune.

Virginia: “Va. House of Delegates plans to vote on Medicaid expansion” by Laura Vozella in The Washington Post.

Tech and Social Media

Tweets made easy for bankers lobbying lawmakers” by Greg Edwards in the St. Louis Business Journal.

Twitter’s new guide for campaigners” by Darren Samuelsohn in Politico.

Tennessee: “Chattanooga Launches Website to Track City Goals” by Joy Lukachick Smith in Government Technology.


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