‘Tis the Season for Robocalls - State and Federal Communications

December 20, 2011  •  

‘Tis the Season for Robocalls

vote for meRobocall Campaigns Dialing Up As Election Season Draws Near” by Sarah Lai Stirland on TechPresident.

Republicans accuse Gingrich of illegal robo-calls” by Steve Peoples in The Associated Press.

Robocalling Hillary 2012” by Emily Schultheis in Politico. Apparently a group of Hillary Clinton supporters are using robocalls to get her on the 2012 presidential ballot.

Afternoon Fix: Nikki Haley robocalls for Romney” by Aaron Blake in the Washington Post.

Did you know you can return the favor with political candidates by calling them back with your own robocall? This website offers a service to contact politicians: Reverse Robocall: Talk Back. Be Heard

According to the website: “Welcome to the Robocall Revolution. We believe that voters should have access to the same technology political groups use to get their message across; so we built a simple web-based robocall tool to literally give citizens back their voice in the political discourse.

ReverseRobocall.com provides voters an easy way to communicate with one or hundreds of politicians or political groups using the same technology politicians use, the robocall or automated phone call.”

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