Wednesday's Government Relations and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

February 22, 2017  •  

Wednesday’s Government Relations and Ethics News


Arizona: “Lobbyist Pushes Arizona School-Choice Bill That Could Benefit His Family” by Yvonne Wingett and Rob O’Dell for Arizona Republic

Florida: “Document Suggests Former State Sen. Thrasher Violated Lobbying Ban as FSU Chief” by Arek Sarkissian for Naples Daily News

Massachusetts: “Online Lottery Could Yield Windfall for Private Companies” by Sean Murphy for Boston Globe

Campaign Finance

Democratic Member to Quit Election Commission, Setting Up Political Fight” by 2017 Eric Lichtblau for New York Times

North Carolina: “Fletcher Hartsell, a Former NC Senator, Pleads Guilty in Misuse of Campaign Funds” by Anne Blythe and Craig Jarvis for Raleigh News & Observer


Flynn in FBI Interview Denied Discussing Sanctions with Russian Ambassador” by Sari Horwitz and Adam Entous for Washington Post

California: “Ex-Palm Springs Mayor and 2 Developers Charged with Corruption Involving $375,000 in Bribes” by Richard Winton for Los Angeles Times

Georgia: “Unease Spreads in Atlanta as a City Contracting Scandal Brews” by Richard Fausset for New York Times

Minnesota: “Mondale, Kelm-Helgen Leave U.S. Bank Stadium Panel in Wake of Luxury Suite Flap” by Rochelle Olson for Minneapolis Star Tribune

Ohio: “Former Councilwoman Mills Pleads Guilty, Fined $250 for Ethics Misdemeanor” by Rick Rouan for Columbus Dispatch

Oregon: “Two Years after Kitzhaber Resignation, Ethics Reform a Political Challenge for Oregon Lawmakers” by Gordon Friedman for Portland Oregonian

Tennessee: “Schmoozing, Boozing and a Quiet Resignation: Mark Lovell’s 100 days on Capitol Hill” by Joel Ebert and Mark Boucher for The Tennessean

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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