Wednesday Government Relations News - State and Federal Communications

July 30, 2014  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News


Lobbying World” in The Hill.

Business Bottom Line” in The Hill.

New GOP whip hires retail lobbyist for leadership office” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.

Lobbyists quietly advise GOP on gay marriage shift” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.

Campaign Finance

The super PAC to end super PACs leaps into New Hampshire and Iowa” by Brian Fung in The Washington Post.

Kentucky: “Kentucky State Rep. Ben Waide Indicted on Campaign Finance Violations” by Jonathan Meador on WKMS.

New York: “De Blasio defends lobbying group’s contributions from firms that do business with the city” by Erin Durkin in the New York Daily News.


Florida: “Convicted lobbyist testifies about paying $3,000 bribe to suspended Miami Lakes Mayor Michael Pizzi” by Jay Weaver in the Miami Herald.

Illinois: “Ethics panel raps state fair directors for beer ticket freebies” by Dave McKinney in the Chicago Sun-Times.

New York: “Defiant, Cuomo Denies Interfering With Ethics Commission” by Thomas Kaplan and Susanne Craig in The New York Times.

State Legislatures

Christie calls N.J. Legislature into special session Thursday to act on bail reform” by Matt Friedman in The Star-Ledger.

Government Tech and Social Media

State and Local Govs Not Ready For Mobile, Survey Says” by Colin Wood in Government Technology.

C-SPAN limiting access to its online channels” by Julian Hattem in The Hill.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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