Tuesday's State Government and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

July 25, 2017  •  

Tuesday’s State Government and Ethics News


Cash Surges to Lobby Firms in Trump Era” by Megan Wilson for The Hill

Arizona: “Arizona Legislators Attend Conference with Help from Corporations That Lobby Them at Home” by Yvonne Wingett Sanchez for Arizona Republic

Campaign Finance

Michigan: “GOP Consultant’s Purchase of Michigan Talk Radio Stations Sparks Concerns” by Paul Egan for Detroit Free Press


California: “Is Riverside’s Ethics Code Broken? Seven Hearings, $57,000 Later, Some Say Yes” by Alicia Robinson for Press-Enterprise

Florida: “Miami Lobbyist’s Business Made $1 Million Profit on State Anti-Hazing Contract” by Arek Sarkissian for Naples News

South Carolina: “FBI Investigating South Carolina Statehouse Corruption, Could Expand Scope of State Probe” by Andy Shain, Glenn Smith, and Schuyler Kropf for Charleston Post and Courier


Local Governments Keep Using This Software – But It Might Be a Back Door for Russia” by Jack Gillum and Aaron Davis for Washington Post

Ivanka Trump Received at Least $12.6 Million Since 2016, Disclosure Shows” by Rachel Abrams and Jesse Drucker for New York Times

Legislative Issues

Nevada: “20 Years of Term Limits: How the faces of Nevada’s Legislature have changed” by Yvonne Gonzalez for Las Vegas Sun

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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