Tuesday's Government Relations and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

February 14, 2017  •  

Tuesday’s Government Relations and Ethics News

Government-Relations-NewsCampaign Finance

California: “Sacramento Wants State Watchdog to Enforce City Ethics Rules” by Anita Chabria for Sacramento Bee

Michigan: “Michigan Unions Lose Campaign Finance Fight” by Kevin Koeninger for Courthouse News


Wearing Wig, Lawyer Tried to Sell Confidential Document, U.S. Charges” by Liz Moyer for New York Times

Saudis Foot Tab at Trump Hotel” by Isaac Arnsdorf for Politico

Trump Sons Forge Ahead Without Father, Expanding and Navigating Conflicts” by Eric Lipton and Susanne Craig for New York Times

Florida: “At Miami’s Airport, There’s Economy, First Class and … Politician” by Douglas Hanks for Miami Herald

Pennsylvania: “Philly DA Seth Williams: Brought ‘shame’ to office, won’t run for reelection” by Jeremy Roebuck and Chris Brennan for Philadelphia Inquier

Texas: “How Blind Is This Texas Oil Regulator’s Blind Trust, Managed by His Brother-in-Law?” by Steve Thompson for Dallas News


New Mexico: “Lobbying Fix Faces New Opposition” by Trip Jennings for New Mexico In Depth

Tech and Social Media

Fake News 101: The new civics course in US schools?” by Carolyn Thompson (Associated Press) for ABC News

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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