Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update - State and Federal Communications

September 16, 2014  •  

Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update

K StreetLobbying

Lobbying World” in The Hill.

Lobbyist Thomas H. Boggs Jr. Dies at Age 73” by Bridget Bowman in Roll Call.

Tommy Boggs helped create modern world of D.C. lobbying” by Byron Tau and Anna Palmer in Politico.

Franchise owners flock to DC in defense of McDonald’s” by Ben Goad in The Hill.

Lobbyist Pawlenty Rankles Banks in Consumer Bureau Battle” by Carter Dougherty in Bloomberg.

Health tracker Fitbit hires lobbying muscle” by Julian Hattem in The Hill.

Campaign Finance

Senate candidates differ on overturning Citizens United ruling” by Peter Hancock in the Lawrence Journal-World.

Louisiana: “Ethics complaint filed against Sen. David Vitter, alleging improper campaign fund transfer” by The Associated Press in The Republic.

New York: “Hollywood moguls boosting Cuomo campaign coffers” by Martin Z. Braun (Bloomberg News) in the Chicago Tribune.


Ethics committee investigating Rep. Broun” by Scott Wong in The Hill.

California: “Convicted California Senator Resigns” by Patrick McGreevy and Jean Merl in Governing.


Good election year for bad boys of Congress” by Alex Isenstadt in Politico.

Rocking the vote, again” by Kevin Cirilli in The Hill.

Kentucky: “Battles for eight open seats could determine control of Kentucky House this fall” by Jack Brammer in the Lexington Herald-Leader.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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