Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update - State and Federal Communications

July 1, 2014  •  

Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update

K StreetLobbying

LobbyIt: Aiming to be everyman’s lobbyist” by Catherine Ho in The Washington Post.

The Influence Industry: Ex-Im Bank renewal, a familiar issue on K Street, divides GOP” by Holly Yeager in The Washington Post.

Rhode Island: “Ex-RI House speaker Fox’s personal loan from registered lobbyist still unpaid” by W. Ray Malinowski in the Providence Journal.

Campaign Finance

Indiana: “Terre Haute’s Jim Bopp Jr. a conservative titan” by Mark Bennett in the Sacramento Bee.

Ohio: “GOP donor found not guilty on campaign finance charges, guilty of obstruction” by Joe Vardon in the Columbus Dispatch.


California: “SF open government and ethics oversight broken, report says” by Jonah Owen Lamb in The Examiner.

Illinois: “Closer Look: Ill. legislative watchdog steps down” by The Associated Press in The Washington Examiner.

Kentucky: “Legislative caucuses rely on PACs, reports show” by Tom Loftus in The Courier Journal.

New York: “Three months after Gov. Cuomo pulled plug on Moreland Commission, executive director still being paid” by Ken Lovett in the NY Daily News.

North Carolina: “Former FBI agent Chuck Stuber opens up about corruption cases against NC politicians” by J. Andrew Curliss in the News & Observer.

Wisconsin: “No Conclusion in Inquiry Into Scott Walker’s Campaign Fund-Raising” by Monica Davey in The New York Times.

National Conventions

Ohio: “Cleveland should learn fate of Republican National Convention bid no later than early August” by Henry J. Gomez in the Plain Dealer.

Government Tech and Social Media

Mistaken Identity: People Angry at Supreme Court Decision Vent at Blog” by Chris Taylor on Mashable.

California: “California governor signs bill to bring bitcoin and other currency into fold” in Reuters.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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