Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update - State and Federal Communications

June 3, 2014  •  

Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update

K StreetLobbying

Exodus grows at Patton Boggs” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.

Wyden-World Comes to GPhA Government Affairs | Downtown Moves” by Bridget Bowman in Roll Call.

Campaign Finance

Campaign Finance and Free Speech: Panelists talked about Supreme Court rulings striking down campaign contribution limits, and how the issue relates to First Amendment free speech rights” on C-Span.

McConnell, Reid Spar Over Campaign Financing” by Eliza Newlin Carney in Roll Call.

Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz spar over campaign finance amendment” by Byron Tau in Politico.

McConnell skewers Dem plan as ‘shockingly bad’” by Alexander Bolton in The Hill.

Cruz: Abolish limits on political cash” by Benjamin Goad in The Hill.

Ultra-Rich Hijacking American Politics” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.

Crowd packs San Luis Obispo campaign finance forum” by Nick Wilson in The Tribune.

District of Columbia: “Former D.C. council candidate Kelvin Robinson pleads guilty in campaign finance scheme” by Ann E. Merrimow in The Washington Post.

Ohio: “People close to case: Ohio politicians subpoenaed” by The Associated Press in The Washington Times.

South Carolina: “S.C. Ethics Commission won’t punish 2010 candidates for quirk” by Seanna Adcox (Associated Press) in The Post and Courier.

Texas: “Legal battle to reinstate DeLay conviction grows” by Mike Ward in the Houston Chronicle.

Wisconsin: “Candidates could operate secret committees under John Doe ruling, elections head warns” by Mary Spicuzza in the Wisconsin State Journal.


Kentucky: “Northern Kentucky University law professor named to state ethics commission” by Kevin Wheatley in The State Journal.

Louisiana: “Senate rejects Ethics appointee” in The Advocate.


Alabama: “If challenge succeeds: New map, maybe not new elections” by Brian Lyman in the Montgomery Advertiser.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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