Tuesday Government Relations News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

January 17, 2017  •  

Tuesday Government Relations News Roundup

blue-diamond-smCampaign Finance

Corporations Open the Cash Spigot for Trump’s Inauguration” by Nicholas Fandos for New York Times

New Mexico: “Leadership Shift Sparks Hope for Supporters of Campaign Finance Reform” by Sandra Fish for New Mexio In Depth

Wisconsin: “Former Wisconsin Judges Seek Rules on Campaign Donations” by Patrick Marley and Bill Glauber for Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Trump’s Administration Will Regulate Trump’s Businesses, Raising Prospect of Conflicts” by Rosalind Helderman, Drew Harwell, and Tom Hamburger for Washington Post

California: “Sweetwater School District Gets $8.2 Million in Settlement Over Pay-to-Play Scandal” by Greg Moran for San Diego Union Tribune

Colorado: “Colorado Ethics Commission Puts Denver, Aurora and Other Cities on Notice in Turf Battle Over Gift Rules” by Jon Murray for Denver Post

New Jersey: “Christie Selects Campaign Donor as New Ethics Watchdog” by Salvador Rizzo for Bergen Record

Canada: “Ethics Watchdog Opens Probe into Trudeau’s Vacation at the Aga Khan’s Island” by Alex Ballingall for Toronto Star


‘Kompromat’ and the Danger of Doubt and Confusion in a Democracy” by Amanda Taub for New York Times


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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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