Thursday's Government Relations and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

April 20, 2017  •  

Thursday’s Government Relations and Ethics News


Maine: “Maine Ethics Watchdog: Tighten lobbying limits for ex-legislators” by Michael Shepherd for Bangor Daily News

Campaign Finance

It Was Huge: Trump inaugural drew slew of top-dollar checks” by Julie Bykowicz and Nancy Benac (Associated Press) for ABC News

Ivanka Trump’s Global Reach, Undeterred by a White House Job” by Danny Hakim and Rachel Abrams for New York Times

California: “Real Estate Investor Fined $17,000 Over Excess L.A. City Council Campaign Donations” by Emily Alpert Reyes for Los Angeles Times

Montana: “Montana House Rejects Bill to Raise Campaign Contributions” by Associated Press for U.S. News & World Report


Illinois: “Independent Contractor Exemption Suffers Surprise Council Defeat” by Fran Spielman for Chicago Sun-Times

New Jersey: “Ex-Passaic Mayor Alex Blanco Gets 27 Months in Prison” by Richard Cowan and Kaitlin Kanzler for Bergen Record

Texas: “TABC Chief Will Resign after Agency Used Your Tax Dollars to Travel to Booze Industry Conferences” by Dagney Pruner for Dallas News


Georgia: “Jon Ossoff, a Democrat, Narrowly Misses Outright Win in Georgia House Race” by Jonathan Martin and Richard Fausset for New York Times

Legislative Issues

Florida: “Miami Lawmaker Apologizes on Senate Floor for Using Racial Slur” by Patricia Mazzei, Steve Bousquet, and Kristin Clark for Miami Herald

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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