Thursday's Government Relations and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

March 23, 2017  •  

Thursday’s Government Relations and Ethics News

K StreetCampaign Finance

Massachusetts: “Construction Firm, Owner Pay $150,000 for Campaign Finance Violations” by Frank Phillips for Boston Globe

Pennsylvania: “Former Top Allentown Bureaucrat Francis Dougherty Pleads Guilty, Implicates Mayor” by Emily Opilo and Peter Hall for Allentown Morning Call


New Trump Hotels Face Political Fights, Ethics Questions” by Bernard Condon and David Koenig (Associated Press) for ABC News

Betsy DeVos’s Hiring of For-Profit College Official Raises Impartiality Issues” by Patricia Cohen for New York Times

Protesting at Lunchtime: Defying Trump becomes a Washington lifestyle” by Katie Rogers for Washington Post

Nebraska: “State Regulator’s Side Job Appears to Violate Oath of Office, Lawmaker Says” by Zach Pluhacek for Lincoln Journal-Star

Texas: “Dallas City Council Overhauls Ethics Rules; Mayor Mike Rawlings Lauds Changes as ‘Remarkable’” by Tristan Hallman for Dallas News


FBI’s Russian-Influence Probe Includes a Look at Breitbart, InfoWars News Sites” by Peter Stone and Greg Gordon for McClatchy DC

Colorado: “Ex-Colo. GOP Leader Said Only Democrats Committed Voter Fraud. Now He’s Charged with Voter Fraud.” by Derek Hawkins for Washington Post

New York: “A Contest to Design New York City’s Next ‘I Voted’ Sticker” by Sarah Maslin Nir for New York Times

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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