Thursday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

March 19, 2015  •  

Thursday News Roundup

blue diamondLobbying

New Mexico: “Freshman Lawmaker Determined to ‘Pay My Own Way’ at the Roundhouse” by Matt Grubs for KRQE

Vermont: “Senate Grumbles about Lobbyist Disclosure Bill” by Terri Hallenbeck for Seven Days

Washington: “Zombie Lobby Descends on Capitol to Rally for Expanding Film and TV Tax Incentive Program” by Rachel LaCorte (Associated Press) for The Daily Journal

Campaign Finance

State Legislatures Taking Aim at Dark Money, Disclosure” by Peter Olsen-Phillips for Sunlight Foundation

Meet the Man Taking Aim at Campaign Finance Regulations” by Cameron Joseph for The Hill

Montana: “‘Dark Money’ Bill Heard by House Panel” by Charles Johnson for Montana Standard


Connecticut: “Rowland Sentenced to 30 Months, a Decade after Last Imprisonment” by Kristin Hussey and Marc Santora for New York Times

New York: “Income Disclosure, Pension Forfeiture and Attendance Verification All Part of 2-Way Ethics Deal” in Legislative Gazette


Ohio: “Federal Judge: Ohio’s new ballot access limits for 3rd parties are constitutional” by Julie Carr Smyth (Associated Press) for Greenfield Daily Reporter

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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