Thursday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

March 5, 2015  •  

Thursday News Roundup

blue diamondLobbying

West Virginia: “‘Cookie Lobbyist’ Tries Sweet-Tooth Approach to Sway W.Va. Legislators” by Douglas Imbrogno for Charleston Gazette

Campaign Finance

How Campaign Finance Law Makes Senators Early Lame Ducks” by David Karol for Washington Post

Awash in Cash, Bush Asks Donors Not to Give More Than $1 Million – for Now” by Matea Gold for Washington Post

California:”California Lawmaker Seeks Tax on Independent Political Spending” by Melanie Mason for Los Angeles Times

California: “Eric Garcetti’s Mayor’s Fund Lets Companies Give Big” by Peter Jamison, Doug Smith, and David Zahniser for Los Angeles Times

Utah: “Utah House Again Defeats Donation Limits” by Lee Davidson for Salt Lake Tribune


Body-Camera Maker Has Financial Ties to Police Chiefs” by Ryan Foley (Associated Press) for KSL

Illinois: “Rahm Emanuel Runoff: Chicago mayor tied to lobbyist for city’s red light camera firm, review shows” by Matthew Cunningham-Cook and David Sirota for International Business Times

Oklahoma: “Oklahoma Lawmaker Asks Facebook Friends to Buy Baby Registry Gifts” by Leslie Rangel for KFOR

South Carolina: “Effort Underway to Resurrect Ethics Reform after Senate Defeat” by Jeremy Borden for Charleston Post and Courier

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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