Thursday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

June 5, 2014  •  

Thursday News Roundup

blue diamondLobbying

Caterpillar hires Ray LaHood as a consultant” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.

Campaign Finance

Stephen Colbert exults in Colbert-crowning study” by Erik Wemple in The Washington Post.

California: “The Election’s Over, Where Does The Money Go?” by Grant Scott-Goforth in The North Coast Journal.

Missouri: “Kansas City Council panel supports campaign contribution limits” by Lynn Horsley in The Kansas City Star.

Ohio: “Daughter testifies against Benjamin Suarez in campaign finance scheme trial” by Ed Meyer in the Akron Beacon Journal.

Texas: “Texas Ethics Commission fines state Rep. Linda Harper-Brown $5,000 for obscuring campaign loans” by Gromer Jeffersd, Jr. in The Dallas Morning News.


South Carolina: “SC lawmakers agree on ethics reform but ‘most important part … not getting done’” by Jamie Self in The State.

West Virginia: “West Virginia Ethics Commission fires executive director, gives no reason for her termination” by Jonathan Mattise (Associated Press) in The Republic.


Alabama: “Alabama voter turnout lower than 2010” by The Associated Press in the Montgomery Advertiser.

California: “Top-two primary imperils some legislative comebacks as Democrats seek to hold supermajorities” by Don Thompson (Associated Press) in the Daily Journal.

Missouri: “Missouri moving presidential primary to March” by David E. Lieb (Associated Press) in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Virginia: “Glance of candidates in Va. congressional race” by The Associated Press in the Miami Herald.


Florida: “Redistricting trial wraps up with no decision for weeks” by Aaron Deslatte in the Orlando Sentinel.

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