Thursday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

May 22, 2014  •  

Thursday News Roundup

blue diamondLobbying

Former Rep. Billy Tauzin joins son’s lobby firm” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.

Canada: “Lobbyist watchdog to revise conduct code this summer” by Kady O’Malley on CBC News.

Campaign Finance

Campaign Finance Reports Put Voters on Notice” by The Associated Press on ABC News.

The new campaign contribution: I’ll get my employees to vote for you” by Philip Bump in The Washington Post.

State campaign finance laws are on borrowed time” opinion piece by George F. Will in The Washington Post.

Michigan: “Ex-Meijer attorney cleared of wrongdoing in Northern Michigan campaign finance scandal” by Shandra Martinez in Michigan Live.


Georgia: “Kalberman ethics case to cost state over $1 million” by Aaron Gould Sheinin in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Hawaii: “State Task Force Members Must Disclose Financial Ties Under Ethics Ruling” by Nathan Eagle in the Honolulu Civil Beat.

South Carolina: “SC House’s latest version of ethics reform creates super commission to investigate allegations” by Andrew Coffman Smith (Associated Press) in The Republic.

State Legislatures

Arizona: “Brewer expected to call special legislative session on CPS today” by Howard Fischer in the Arizona Daily Star.

Minnesota: “Sen. Gazelka comments on end of 2014 Legislative Session” in the Pilot-Independent.

Montana: “Special legislative session for Medicaid expansion, other issues?” by Mike Dennison in the Billings Gazette.


Florida: “In redistricting first, House speaker testifies in court to defend map” by Mary Ellen Klas in the Miami Herald.

Illinois: “Illinois redistricting group lacks signatures” by Chacour Koop (Associated Press) in the Northwest Herald.

Virginia: “Va. redistricting trial begins in federal court” by The Associated Press in the Washington Times.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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