Thursday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

December 17, 2015  •  

Thursday News Roundup


California: “San Jose Council Votes to Tighten Lobbying Rules” by Ramona Giwargis for San Jose Mercury News

Maine: “Maine Ethics Commission Fines Lobbyist Joel Allumbaugh” by Michael Shepherd (Bangor Daily News) for Maine Sun Journal

Campaign Finance

Inside the 2016 Black Market for Donor Emails” by Shane Goldmacher for Politico

Spending Bill Bars IRS and Others from Forcing Political Disclosure” by Fredreka Schouten for USA Today

How This Missouri Mega-Donor Is Making His Pet Projects Part of the 2016 Elections” by Paul Blumenthal for Huffington Post

New York: “Cash Flows Freely in Albany: Laws lax on political fundraising” by Jon Campbell for Poughkeepsie Journal


State Integrity Investigation Brings Calls for Reform as Legislative Sessions Approach” by Nicholas Kusnetz for Center for Public Integrity

Florida: “Broward’s First Corruption Watchdog Helps Keep Elected Officials Honest, Onlookers Say” by Brittany Wallman for South Florida Sun Sentinel

Pennsylvania: “State Rep. Louise Bishop Resigns, Pleads No Contest in Sting Case” by Angela Couloumbis and Craig McCoy for Philadelphia Inquirer

Washington: “Following the Money: Ethics concerns muddy state’s clean-energy grant program” by Jim Brunner for Seattle Times

Wisconsin: “Scott Walker Signs Bills on Splitting GAB, Campaign Finance” by Patrick Marley and Jason Stein for Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

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