News You Can Use Digest - May 30, 2014 - State and Federal Communications

May 30, 2014  •  

News You Can Use Digest – May 30, 2014




Harry Reid’s Attacks on Koch Brothers Send GOP Donors into the Shadows

Washington Post – Matea Gold | Published: 5/29/2014

Several prominent pro-Republican advocacy groups say they are benefiting from a burst of cash as some donors, fearful of harsh public attacks such as those aimed at the billionaire Koch brothers by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, turn away from political committees required under federal law to reveal their contributors. Reid has escalated his criticisms of the Kochs and their influence within the GOP in recent months, lodging sharply personal attacks against the brothers, often from the Senate floor. “We’ve heard from donors that they don’t want to get ‘Koched,'” said one Republican operative who works with outside groups.

I.R.S. Delays New Rules on Taxation for Activists

New York Times – Nicholas Confessore | Published: 5/22/2014

The IRS is rewriting new rules intended to clarify how the agency defines political activity and how much nonprofit groups are allowed to spend on it and still keep their tax exempt status. The IRS will delay a public hearing it planned to hold this summer until the controversial regulations are revised. The agency said it made the decision after receiving 150,000 comments about the changes, the biggest public response to any proposed rule in its history. The delay means new rules will not be in place before Election Day.

Patton Boggs Agrees to Merger with Squire Sanders

Washington Post – Catherine Ho and Holly Yeager | Published: 5/23/2014

Patton Boggs, a Washington, D.C. lobbying and legal powerhouse for decades, is merging with a larger firm, Squire Sanders, in a move that saves Patton Boggs from drift or dissolution. The new firm will be named Squire Patton Boggs. The merger is expected to take effect by June 1. The end of Patton Boggs as a standalone firm is a tale of a changing industry, where a firm’s ability to influence a few key powerbrokers is giving way to the need to sway larger groups of lawmakers and the public as a whole.

RNC Files Suit to Raise Unlimited Cash for Elections

San Gabriel Valley News; Associated Press –   | Published: 5/22/2014

The Republican National Committee sued for the right to raise unlimited funds for independent expenditures that advocate for a candidate’s election. The suit seeks to eliminate an annual $32,400 per person limit on contributions to the party, making its independent spending similar that of a super PAC. The committee did not challenge limits on contributions made directly to campaigns.

From the States and Municipalities:

Arkansas – Arkansas Ethics Panel Issues Opinion on Electronic Campaign Contributions

The Times Record; Arkansas News Bureau –   | Published: 5/23/2014

The Arkansas Ethics Commission said a national organization that accepts campaign contributions electronically does not have to require Arkansas donors to submit personal information each time they make a donation if the information is already recorded. The commission issued an advisory opinion at the request of ActBlue, a PAC that raises money for Democratic candidates across the country.

California – Chiu Lobbying Legislation Heads to Full Board of Supervisors Next Month

San Francisco Chronicle – Marisa Logos | Published: 5/27/2014

Proposed changes to San Francisco’s lobbying ordinance seek to close loopholes that critics say have allowed some of the city’s most prolific lobbyists to avoid registering. Current law exempts licensed attorneys from registering as lobbyists, even if they are not actually acting as a lawyer. The legislation also changes the definition of a lobbyist, basing it on the number of times a person contacts city officials instead of how much he or she is paid for lobbying activities.

California – Guiding Voters to Candidates with the Right Wallets

Los Angeles Times – Evan Halper | Published: 5/27/2014

Like so many other Silicon Valley startups, a project from two Stanford University professors,, is rooted in an algorithm. This one is fueled by campaign money. The academics view campaign disclosure reports as a treasure trove of data that can be used to connect neophyte politicos with like-minded candidates. Crowdpac’s motto: “It turns out the best guide to what a politician will do is not what comes out of their mouth, but what goes into their wallet.”

Maine – Maine Ethics Panel Imposes Record Fine on National Organization for Marriage

Portland Press Herald – Steve Mistler | Published: 5/28/2014

The Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices fined the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) more than $50,000 and ordered it to file a report that would reveal the donors behind the group’s 2009 effort to repeal the state’s gay marriage law, a decision that could affect how nonprofit organizations attempt to influence elections. The commission ruled NOM failed to properly register as a ballot question committee and file campaign finance reports in the referendum that struck down same-sex marriage before it was legalized by voters in 2012.

Minnesota – Ritchie Cuts out Immunity Cards for Legislators

Minneapolis Star Tribune – Abby Simons | Published: 5/22/2014

Secretary of State Mark Ritchie will no longer distribute “Get Out of Jail Free” cards to Minnesota lawmakers. The decision brings an end to the wallet-sized cards that say lawmakers “in all cases except treason, felony and breach of the peace, shall be privileged from arrest” while the Legislature is in session. Historically, the cards were issued to keep adverse interests from arresting lawmakers to prevent them from voting, but have raised concerns among some who fear they literally put legislators above the law, including getting them out of drunken driving or other arrests.

Mississippi – For Tea Party, Senate Race in Mississippi Is the Last Chance to Oust an Incumbent

New York Times – Jonathan Weisman | Published: 5/28/2014

Mississippi politics has always had a rough edge under the veneer of Southern gentility, but the race for the U.S. Senate between incumbent Thad Cochran and state Sen. Chris McDaniel has reached another level. The race represents the last chance for tea party activists to topple an incumbent senator, and it appears that little is off limits in the campaign.

New Jersey – A Limit to Pension Investing Oversight as Political Donations from Executives Can Go Unchecked

Bergen Record – Melissa Hayes and John Reitmeyer | Published: 5/27/2014

New Jersey’s “pay-to-play” law makes it clear that executives and their employees working on the state’s pension fund investments cannot donate to candidates and political committees. But those venture capital firms and hedge funds often take the state pension dollars and invest them in other companies whose executives do not have to disclose their campaign contributions. The complex nature of those investments, the inability of the law to cover all their financial relationships, and the lack of any public database like the one for state contractors make tracking political connections difficult.

New York – New York Elections Board: $150,000 campaign donation limit on individuals won’t be enforced

The Tribune – Michael Virtanen (Associated Press) | Published: 5/27/2014

The New York Board of Elections ruled the state’s $150,000 annual limit on aggregate campaign donations by individuals will no longer be enforced. The contributions would be restricted only by how much a politician, party, or group can receive under various limits set in election law. For example, a statewide candidate can accept no more than $41,100 from a single donor. The board agreed the $150,000 limit is unenforceable following recent court rulings.

Pennsylvania – How Philly’s Most Powerful Ed Reform Group Broke the Law

Philadelphia City Paper – Daniel Denvir | Published: 5/23/2014

The city ethics board levied a fine of $1,500 against the Philadelphia School Partnership for failing to register as a lobbying principal and not filing required disclosure reports. The partnership, a local nonprofit raising millions of dollars in a bid to improve public, private, and charter schools, said it was initially unaware that the city’s definition of lobbying was broader than those used by the state and federal governments.

Virginia – Ethics Law Addresses Virginia Officials’ Financial Dealings, But Database Is a Tall Order

Washington Post – Jenna Portnoy | Published: 5/26/2014

Under a new law, the public should be able to scrutinize a wide variety of Virginia officeholders’ financial data and gifts they receive with a quick check online. But unanswered questions about how the electronic clearinghouse will be set up could make it harder, not easier, to see the information. Officials are struggling with the difficult and potentially expensive reality of carrying out the law. As a result, they are considering a simpler, less searchable system that would make it more difficult to scrutinize the records.

Virginia – McAuliffe Vetoes Ethics Bill after Amendments Rejected

Richmond Times Dispatch – Olympia Meoli | Published: 5/23/2014

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe vetoed identical ethics reform bills limiting certain gifts to him after the General Assembly rejected amendments he proposed to place that limit on lawmakers. The bills aimed to ban the governor from soliciting or accepting gifts worth more than $50 from those seeking grants or no-interest loans from a state economic development fund.

Jim SedorState and Federal Communications produces a weekly summary of national news, offering more than 80 articles per week focused on ethics, lobbying, and campaign finance.

News You Can Use is a news service provided at no charge only to clients of our online Executive Source Guides, or ALERTS™ consulting clients.


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