Monday's Government Relations and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

April 10, 2017  •  

Monday’s Government Relations and Ethics News

us_capitol-hiCampaign Finance

Those Prized Small Donors? They May Not Be as Small as You Think” by Andrew Mayersohn for Center for Responsive Politics

Canada: “Liberals Promise to Begin Holding Fundraisers in Public, Share Details Online” by Laura Stone for The Globe and Mail

Florida: “State Attorney Clears Donald Trump, Pam Bondi on Campaign Donation” by Arek Sarkissian for Naples Daily News

Massachusetts: “Massachusetts Judge Upholds Ban on Corporate Contributions to Politicians” by Shira Schoenberg for

New Jersey: “N.J. Election Watchdog: State needs pay-to-play reform” by Nicholas Pugliese for Bergen Record

Washington D.C.: “Audit Finds D.C. Council Member Cannot Substantiate $100K in Contributions” by Aaron Davis for Washington Post


The U.S. Government Has Withdrawn Its Request Ordering Twitter to Identify a Trump Critic” by Hayley Tsukayama and Craig Timberg for Washington Post

Kushner Omitted Meeting with Russians on Security Clearance Forms” by Jo Becker and Matthew Rosenberg for New York Times

Alabama: “Alabama Governor Faces Impeachment Hearing in Scandal of Sex and Power” by Alan Blinder for New York Times

Missouri: “After Repeal, Ethics Law Supporters to Push Ballot Amendment” by James Nord (Associated Press) for St. Louis Post-Dispatch


Missouri: “Ferguson Re-Elects White Mayor 2 Years After Mike Brown Incident” by John Eligon for New York Times


New Mexico: “Martinez Vetoes Bill to Close Lobbyist Loophole” by Sandra Fish for New Mexico In Depth

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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